Defying Gravity Re-watch

Nobody’s talking about the hallucinations they’re having.


Episode 5 - Rubicon

The baseball that he carries around was Sharon Lewis’.
She caught it barehanded at a baseball game they both went to two days before the Mars mission.

Back on Antares
A lot of things are going wrong.

And Rubicon, the point of no return is coming up in 2 days.

What the crew add to the time capsule:

Ted- a model of the Mars lander
Nadia- her astronaut wings
Jen- photo of her & Rollie
Mintz - a military medal
Paula- a religious medal
Wass- porn magz
Zoe- tarot card from her mother
Donner- the baseball

Love the music
Rubicon is reached. PNR


Episode 5 - Rubicon

Eve confronts Goss about what really happened on the Mars mission.
She tells him back off with Ted and Donner. (This happens before Eve and Ted become involved and marry)

Donner narrating:
“Passing the point of no return doesn’t just happen.
It’s a choice that we make.
A line we decide to cross.
And then we live with the consequences.”

Eve to Rollie:
“They feel a lot farther away today than they did yesterday.”
All good stuff.

This is such a good series.
Such a shame it didn’t get a chance.
Just wonderful narration.

Such a good show, though I never actually finished it after ABC took it off the air. Thanks for posting!

Well Fenatic, if you’re still interested, there are 5 unaired episodes out there you haven’t seen.
Have fun.

Episode 6 - Bacon

All the crew members are having to face their demons.

Timeline: ASCAN training
A day of training at the hospital.
Funny scenes with Donner, who hurls at the sight of blood.

Ajay is back on the floor.
Only because the crew insisted he come back, not a happy day for Goss.
Ajay is so humble and full of integrity.

Zoe has taken the morning after pill, after a few weeks of struggling with that decision.

Did I mention Zoe has been hearing a baby crying in the past episodes?
Could there be a connection?

Paula is being annoying with her camera and Wass is an idiot.

Wass and Paula have a low-gravity task moving some large containers.
Wass as usual is an idiot, and causes Paula to be injured.
Her thumb is severed.

Paula is the Venus lander pilot.
A bad day in Space.

We get a glimpse of Dr Mintz’s flashback (a young girl in a war zone trapped in a bombed and burning bldg. He can’t reach her, she dies, he is severely burned on his back. Minitz was a combat medic.

Jen is acting very weird insisting on raising a rabbit and bringing it back to earth.

Episode 6 - Bacon

The crew snaps into action with Paula’s accident.
Blood floating everywhere, Wass in a panic shouting about Paula’s missing thumb.
Nadia in control.


Minitz works on Paula.
Because of timing, Donner is called to assist.
Donner is shaky. Zoe is also assisting.

Minitz is shaky also due to the flashbacks.
Minitz is frozen. Donner gets him back,
but Paula almost dies.

Everything feels so fragile.

Episode 6 - Bacon

Timeline- ASCAN training

Zoe miscarries. Donner & Zoe are so drawn to each other, but…
Eve Weller covers for Zoe so she won’t be dropped form the program.

Meanwhile on Antares Wass is searching for Paula’s thumb.
Nadia: “What are you doing?”
Wass: “Looking for her thumb”
Nadia: “You don’t even like her.”
Wass: “That dosen’t matter. If I were on that table, she wouldn’t give up on me.”

Episode 6 - Bacon

In 2052
it is possible to regenerate a new thumb in a month.
If Paula’s thumb is reattached she probably won’t be ready for the landing.

The Venus landing is in 12 days.

Wass rushes in with Paula’s thumb.
With medicine the way it is in 2052 the mission control surgeon, Claire thinks Paula could be good in a week, two weeks at the latest.

So she has a good shot.

Episode 6 - Bacon

It looks like Minitz and Jen could compromise the mission.

Minitz with his flashbacks.
He explains to Ted & Donner that the flashback was more -it was a full-blown hallucination.

Jen being distracted with the silly rabbit project. Couldn’t get the sickbay in time to assist, which is her job.


Wass and Nadia in the storage bay, finishing cleaning up the bood.

Wass apologizes. For everything he put the crew through.

Wass: “I can be a complete idiot.”

Nadia: “Yes, you can. Over and over I ask myself why they chose you for this crew. You’re clumsy, you eat too much, you behave like a 12-year old boy. But you know what? Every once in awhile you find a thumb.”


Episode 6 - Bacon

Timeline: ASCAN training

Zoe is recovering from an emergency hysterectomy, due to “an ovarian cyst that burst”.
Donner is sitting by her bed, clueless to everything.

Back on Antares
Wass sits by sleeping Paula, and holds her hand.

This episode’s theme
Making a choice and taking responsibility for the consequences.

Donner narrating:
“I don’t think there’s ever been a man or a women without some kind of regret,
and that’s probably a good thing,
because it’s our failures more than our successes
that make us who we are.”

Episode 7 - Fear

DVD episode description:
“It’s Halloween aboard the Antares and the forces of darkness are revealed in more ways that one, as feverish hallucinations jeoparize the lives of the crew just as they’re about to embark on a promotional event for which the whole world is waiting.”

Geez, that was one sentence ?!
