Defying Gravity Re-watch

Vomits in zero grav. not a pretty sight. G-sickness.

Eve and Goss


Episode 2 - Natural Selection

Now we see Eve Weller walking to a lower level in the bldg. She enters a room that has a single chair. She sits and immediately the door in front of the chair opens.

Eve obviously sees something that affects her profoundly. She’s gasping.
It is Beta. It’s talking to her. All we see is golden light coming from the door.

Wass and Paula

They get on each other’s nerve. Oil & water.
Wass -the scientist, irreverent
Paula -the believer
No respect for each other.

Episode 2 - Natural Selection

Donner & Zoe
are in the Lander doing simulations.
Lander software patching them to the tertiary land site , instead of the primary landing site.
A glitch or another mystery.

Ted is shutdown.
And Paula is still G-sick.

Meanwhile, Donner & Zoe are doing their dance of attraction.

Nadia Schiller:
“I just like getting naked.”

Poor Ajay is not being allowed to return to mission control.

I like listening to Maddux Donner talk. I like his character.


Episode 2 - Natural Selection

Another mystery:
It appears all the drew’s physiology’s changing in identical ways.
The mission Surgeon, Claire Dereux is convinced “something up there is causing it all”.
As the medical officer she wants to know.

Eve: “There’ll be no no going back, Claire. Once you open this door, you can’t close it. Do you understand?”
Eve gives Claire a strand of her hair and tells her to analyze it.

Paula still sick.

Zoe hears the baby again. This time Zoe tries to follow the sound.

Mission Control is reprogramming the lander.

Claire realizes that whatever physiological changes the crew is experiencing, the same is happening to Eve Weller.

What is going on?
Is this Beta’s doing? How? Why? What does it mean?

Episode 2 - Natural Selection

Paula’s in a bad way. Really sick.

Ted is in a bad way, not even talking to anyone.

Donner is frustrated. Nadia thinks everyone is acting crazy.

Not a stable feeling in the air aboard the Antares.

Episode 2 - Natural Selection

Rollie verbally throttles Ted and tells him to do his job as the commander of the mission.
His crew is depending on him.

Ted emerges from his room and starts taking charge again.

Claire is told about Beta.

And Ted choose to return to Pod 4.

Donner narrating:
“The doors we choose to open determine the paths of our lives, be they brave, angry, foolish, painful.
We’re defined by what we do, by where we go.
And you can’t go anywhere without opening the door.”

Episode 4 - H2IK

All my posts for Ep.3 -Threshold have disappeared.
I’m hoping they’ll magically reappear, but if not, oh well.

So on with the next episode. H2IK.

Ted has gone back to Pod 4 3 times now and still no insights from Beta.

This episode’s theme is interdependence.

Donner narrating:
We need each to survive. The problem is getting anyone to admit that.
As a species we pride ourselves on being self-sufficient.
Why ask a stranger for directions. We’d rather stay stubborn and lost."

Ajay looks so lost.
Oops he passed out. His heart?

Now a power problem on the Antares.

Episode 4 - H2IK

Just noticed.
At Mission Control one of the techs is a member of the SG Universe, a background guy, no lines. Episode “Visitation”

Ajay in surgery, but ok.

Lots of switches between Training period and Mars mission.

Ajay’s “H2IK sequence” = Hell if I know.

Ev Minitz, the doctor & shrink is having flashbacks/hallucinations.

Now Donner on an EVA, is having hallucinations also. He is seeing the 2 astronauts he and Ted left on Mars.


Episode 4 - H2IK

Wow what going on with the power?
Everybody’s asking for Ajay’s help, but Goss says no.
Ok the crew forced the issue to get Ajay’s help.

Dr Minitz having another hallucination.

Ajay’s advice to Donner: H2IK

I love the lighting. Love the details.
The observation deck, all greys and blues with these two bold red chairs in the middle of the room. Very pleasing.

Paula to Wass: “You’re a moron”
Yep, that says it.

Episode 4 - H2IK

Again the timeline switch.
From the grey ship to the Training period classroom full of bright orange jumpsuits of the astronaut candidates. Stunning.

This episode deals with the point of no return, PNR.
The point of no return of the Antares mission,
and in one’s own life.

Donner is seeing the 2 Mars astronauts all the time now.
One of them is Sharon Lewis, who Donner’s lover.

Ted really wants to tell the crew about Beta, but Eve tells him to wait.

Episode 5 - Rubicon

Time Capsule. The crew is asked to contribute some item to the time capsule.
Something that you are choosing to leave behind.

Donnor is resistant. He says he has nothing.
Paula says everything she has means too much to let go of.

Ok Jen wants to raise a rabbit onboard. Everybody deals with stress in their on way, I guess.

Timeline: ASCAN Training (=astronaut candidate)

The ranking gets posted.
Nadia is #1, of course.
Wass dead last at #32.

Oh btw, Zoe is pregnant (that time she got together with Donner).

Ugh, Zoe’s mother visits -she’s very annoying.

Episode 5 - Rubicon

Another glitch. Something with water filtration system.
And Donner is seeing Mars red dust on one of the filtration units that are supposedly clean and clear.
More hallucinations.

Eve is curious about the Mars mission, so she reviews the video record. It shows it was Goss who panicked and gave the order to leave the 2 astronauts behind, when they probably could have made it back to the ship.