The Odo thing: There doesn’t have to be a happy ending. That’s why it’s ds9 not TNG. They did it much better with the EMH in voyager. Sure he liked 7… but he didn’t get to have her. Period, why? Cause that would be stupid… even if we like the characters and want them to be happy… it still doesn’t make it a good story.
as for the siko part: well the Nazi point is an EXTREME stretch. You are talking about a depiction of an actual camp, or octoberfest drawing attention to Jews as guests. In Quarks holosuite, they wern’t running a holodepiction of a kkk meeting , or depicting slavery. it was just a night club in Vegas. One would have to be very knowledgeable of their races’s history and hung up on it to associate this holosuite with that stuff. ( very un trek like)
A more acurate depiction would be an octoberfest hologram that was in the 30-40’s ish with no mention of jews, the war, or anything political. It was just a beer hall with danceing and sausages. And Someone Jewish saying " I can’t play along with this because I hold resentment to this culture ( very non-trek like) because I know that some people of this culture around 400 years ago ( and I am supposed to be over all this racial stuff, because its’s star trek) during this time periiod, did horrible things to my ancestor’s friends and family. That yould be crazy and un trek like.
A Star Trek depiction would be more of an Octoberfest with Jews, gypsies, Bolians, and a Horta eating Knockwurst, drinking pilsner and wearing leiterhosen ( i know I am nowhere near right on that spelling) .
When Abraham Lincoln showed up on the Enterprise, Uhara didn’t jump up and say “thank you for freeing my people”. When he called her " a charming nigress" and asked if she was offended she was like “no, in this century [paraphraseing] we’ve learne dto not be afraid of words”
Trek is about Earth and the Klingon’s getting along and not hateing each other over the things that happened during the Kirk era. Sisko hateing a holosuit ( that I argue that he had to think really really hard to draw a conection to 400 year old racism ) that depicts a time period over 400 years earlier where people of his race ( somehting that is supposed to be almost forgotten about in Trek)is the most un-trek like thing ever.
They weren’t depicting anything racist at Vics, which was Avery brook’s point when I asked him. They were playing a Star Trek universe depiction of a time period where things weren’t all hunky dory for “his people”. A “fantasy version” if you will. A “could have been” I like to think. He had mentioned that ,as an actor, he was realy showing that 50-60’s Vegas as a racist place and it shouldn’t be fantised about ( talking about not getting over it- duh… we already know this). He demanded that this be reflected in his character’s reaction to Vic’s.) I have to argue considering that I lived in Tennesse and Alabama, Vegas didn’t have anything on our area of the country. There weren’t segreagated busses and police with firehoses, or bombed churches happening to people in vegas back then. Any Trek person would not have acted like avery brooks. It would have been a no brainer. Uhurah wasn’t scared to got to 1986 earth. She wasn’t thinking about that in st4. It wasn’t even disccussed.
The rom thing was funny, but that doesn’t make it good.