not wanting to thread jack… but I could only say this in a DS9 page. If I said it in teh B5 thread I would just be imposeing on the B5 lovers. Because they both take palce on a space station… people always caompare the two.
When it came out, I watched the first two episodes and thought it to be crap. But Every geek friend I had went on and on and on. Later I played te RPG and thought that I wanted to watch the show.
I finaly broke down and rented the whole series. I downloded the follow up movies. ( and crusade which I like a lot better- becuase Lucus Buck was the skipper, but I will not include it in this review )I thought that the first season was abysmal. the second… mostly abysmal. The third acceptable. the forth I thought was good only because I liked the Centari story arch.
So here is my review. out of 100 or so episodes total there are really only about 15-25 episodes that are actually good. Those good ones are REALY good. But, you have to watch many, many, many poorly acted and poorly writen episodes just to understand them.
I am not bitching about the effects… the show was pretty good for it’s time. I really mostly bitch about the majority of the acting and the writeing. Certain actors , I felt, were horrible. Plus there is the forced feeling of trying to create an epic as opposed to something just being so good it becomes epic.
I think if you watch the episodes on dvd one after the other you really notice how bad it is, as opposed to watching once a week for years. ( as opposed to DS9 which is a better show when watched on Spike marathons) I am that way when I buy series. I really liked them when they were on TV but upon further review… they don’t hold up as much. ( Lone Gunmen, Highlander, old BSG,) So many of you who used to love the series, might not like it as much now.
but Ivana and garabldi and the druged up guy from Dr. Drew’s rehab show and Grease ( his name escapes me) NEVER learned to act, ever. I challange anyone to honestly remove your love for the characters and watch the performances and find two mins of honestly good acting out of any of these three. Vir coto as well , I like the character’s usefulness… but he can’t act either. just not good. These guys aren’t good. I don’t mean I don’t like their characters… I mean that the actors deliver their lines at a less than professional level. Their timeing is horrible. Dialog is really bad for Ivanava. but hey, MS got what he paid for. i would have them in our crappy comminity theatre, but the fact that they were in 4-5 seasons of TV is an attrocity.
explaining WHY an episode sucks doesn’t make it ok ( aka “well they got cut short in production” or " this wasn’t their intent" - hogwash) … what matters is that the episode you just watched was a waste of your time.
I wanted to like this show so much… but as I am now an adult, and living in a time period where I am not “geek defaulted” to likeing something JUST because it’s sci-fi… I don’t think it’s worth the time I devoted watching the majority of the bad episodes inorder to see the good ones. If your time isn’t valuable… and you don’t mind watching 6 - 10 hours of crap for every 1 hour of acceptable and occasionaly good TV, watch this show.
But I have to admit it was the worst series I ever liked. And I will still follow it, because I have invested so much time in it. But if someone had told me all this… rather than be total geeks and praise it and say it was " better than DS9, so epic and good, bla , blah blah… " I wouldn’t have watched
PS: The B5 lost tales that came out last year is great… if you wasted your time watching the rest in order to understand it.
DS9 was very well written, well acted, and stands up to viewing in 2009 much much much better than b5