DC Reboot

Don’t think this has been posted anywhere else, you may have heard that DC is planning to reboot (permanently or not, its a bit unclear) a bunch of their titles to attract new readers.


I’ve mostly stuck to trades so far, but think I may try picking up a few of these, depending on whether my local comic store has some kind of hold system, since I rarely get up there.

Just looking at the list, and what little i know I think I may pick up
Justice League
One of the Batman series
Possibly Green Lantern and GLC
Blue Beetle
Green Arrow
I’ll probably end up dropping half of them, and hopefully have a fair pull list after that.

What does anyone else think, interested in picking up any titles?

Not a big dc guy, figured I’d do a little catch up with green lantern this summer before I head to the movie, but I guess a reboot would help me get unto the universe.

More stuff on the DC Comics relaunch - aka “Why is Superman wearing Wrangler jeans?”


In addition to the complete reboot, they’re also gonna go for a more acceptable content level. Wonder Woman will have pants, no more bikini or hot pants. In general the women will be a little more conservative, and the violence will be toned down a bit. There’ll still be fighting, but It’ll be a bit more Adam West and a little less Frank Miller.

I want to see what’s going on with Justice League, I hear the team is going to be a good combo on that. Green Lantern and Green Arrow also look intriguing. As long as Grant Morrison isn’t on Batman I might check that out, but I didn’t like his Batman Inc. stuff.

If they have a trades release schedule I might just stick to the trades. It’s way cheaper for me to do trades, not just because it’s cheaper in general, but my shop gives me way deep discounts on my trades, though I wouldn’t be against having 3-4 regular picks in a month.

I actually got the Superman Earth One reboot hardcover late last year and liked it. If Strazynski (sp) is on the new Superman book I’ll at least check the first couple issues.

DC is done for me now, it’s telling that the only writer to have got their books out of the quagmire with minimum fuss is Johns. All those other people? All the writers and artists and readers and retailers that were following books before just lose them, but Green lantern keeps on trucking.

Superman is being replaced by something that’s just plain not Superman, who wears a suit of armour, Batman’s books are hastilly reshuffled and cut back, and don’t get me started on Stormwatch.

I’ll spend my money on shoes instead. Hurrah.

I might pick up the Wildstorm stuff. Cause I love me some Wildstorm but everything else? ugh.

Well damn them to hell, I don’t know much in this big bright world but what I do know is

1 fire trucks should be red and
2 wonder woman should be in hot pants.

Doing my best wyatt erp impression,

DC you tell them I’m coming, and hells coming with me you here, hells coming with me.

Not really that upset just in a silly mood.

Is it really going to be Wildstorm though? Grifter, Voodoo and Stormwatch get their own books, but are complete reboots, Stormwatch even bolts the Martian Manhunter in there just to make us all think WHAT THE HELL!?

Midnighter, Apollo and Hawksmoor are in Stormwatch, but are getting “fixed” it seems, and by fixed they’re characters are being rolled back, their child removed and any established relationships are just being ignored. THAT’S NOTHING BUT A GOOD IDEA.

If they don’t have the balls to do The Authority properly, then they shouldn’t neuter it and water it down to this point.

And the new costumes suck as well.

Maybe they’re gonna be brave and have Wonder Woman have a few different costumes, y’know, for different situations, like covering her legs up in the Arctic? HA HA! GREEK SUPER PEOPLE DON’T HAVE CHAFING PROBLEMS IN COLD DAMP ENVIRONMENTS! HA HAAA!:rolleyes:

The whole universe is going a little more PC. They’re putting pants on all the ladies, and giving them realistic figures rather than cartoony exagerated bodies.

I’m still excited to read some of the new stories, not all of them sound that good, but there’s a few that look like winners.

PC is fine, but… ugh, screw it, the way they’ve operated the last decade, it’lll be “fixed” again soon enough…

Ultimately, I think they’d be able to leave all the costumes they way they are if they lightened up on the T and A panels a wee bit.

And some of the decisions are just weird, why isn’t Barbara Gordon in a wheelchair anymore? Im no expert, but isn’t there like 3 other Bat ladies? Meanwhile, disabled people in superhero comics are in much shorter supply.

Related webcomic: http://www.the-gutters.com/comic/147-ron-chan

It’s because they suck.

This would have worked if they had done an “Marvel Ultimates” style release. Totally separate from the “regular” universe. Then they could do whatever reboot they wanted. And there are some nice reboot storylines they are proposing. And I like some of the new costimes (except WW…The revolution shall be pantsless)

Instead it makes me feel like they did when they split up Peter Parker and Mary Jane. Made no sense and basically told fans of the comic for the last 20 years…go F yourselves - we’re doing this cuz we can

A few days ago I did a decently large post in my blog about the DCnU. You can go to the page here to read it, btu I also think I’ll just copy & paste the whole thing for ya’ll.

“Getting Worn Down in the DCnU”
The majority of people I talk to about DC Comics’ recent reboot of their entire universe proclaim their excitement readily. They tell me how much they’ve always been into comics but were always daunted by the characters’ massive backstories and decades of inter-character history. Even after being urged that everything will be alright if they just jump in at the beginning of a new story arc or if they just try a trade paperback here or there, they remain frightened and intimidated. Somehow, though, resetting all issues to number one solves all of these problems. Never mind that origins will be left untold, and the mechanics of an entire galaxy will need to be re-explained yet again. I’m happy that the comic book industry will gain new readers; everybody interested in comics knows how much the industry is hurting, despite huge box office movies.

A minority of those I speak with about comics are in an uproar over the reboot. They’re destroying well-established relationships, eliminating characters, eradicating entire timelines and histories. Barbara Gordon? She never got shot, she never became oracle, and she never transformed into an astoundingly poignant portrayal of disability in superhero comics. Dick Grayson? The man was never robin, but somehow still became Nightwing. Powergirl? Well, that one never existed at all. All of the characters have huge fan bases. I fall quite squarely into the camp who should be upset over PG. Much of the storytelling power comes from the rich well of stories already told in DC’s universe. An extra panel portraying a longing look between two characters can be full of emotion and lay the groundwork for undertones to be expounded upon years into the future. All of this, thrown away.

But, I don’t fall into either of these camps. I’m just tired. I’m only in my mid-20’s, and I still fall below the average reader age for comic books, but I’m already exhausted. DC has worn me down. I’ve last track of the number of times the universe was restructured, rebooted, or significantly altered since I was born. It all started with Crisis on Infinite Earths, and since then DC has rarely been able to get it right and let it stick. Zero Hour started out well enough, but revealed itself as the ultimate Deus ex Machina, taking not just a god out of the machine, but an entire new universe. In the 2000’s, DC got frank about its propensity to restructure, labeling its events Countdown, Infinite Crisis, and Final Crisis, a pattern first launched with Identity Crisis. Event comics boost sales, sure, but there’s a cost. They wear down readership.

DC’s rebooting their universe and the only thing I can say is that I don’t care. I know — it’s easy to say “meh” and put an air of superiority, but that’s not it, either. I’m excited for a new Justice League International with Booster Gold front and center. I’m upset that Power Girl is going away. But the major event titles? They’re rarely good stories, and they don’t really need to be. Writers for those titles get handed plots from editors and creative direction people. They have specific problems to solve and they need to do it with big explosions and “Power Level 9,000″ fights. Earth Prime Superboy doesn’t sustain an ounce of character because he’s littler more than a multiverse hammer, punching new characters into re-existence from the folds of a crystal between universes. That’s been the problem all along: in trying to streamline and simplify their universe(s), DC instead complicates their world and confuses new readers (”What? Multiverse? Earth Primer Superboy? Is that different?”).

The latest reboot admits defeat. They’re not going to try to use an event to fix their problems. They’re just going to throw all the bath water out the window, Kryptonian baby and all. And you know, they may just get it right this time. Without a big event, and without any convoluted need for explanation, DC may be getting to the core what an effective reboot should be: putting good writers and artists on the titles they want to produce, and just letting them tell the story they want. For some of their readers, however, it may be too late. There are decades of good stories already written, and I don’t need to roll the dice on them by picking them up week to week. I can buy the trade, and I think from now on, that may just be all I ever buy.

If you want JLA #1…you may be out of luck


Now that the reboot has happened, what’s everyone think of it? Personally, overall I’ve been a bit disappointed; however, I have enjoyed the darker sort of vibe that DC seems to have. I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed Grifter #1 and OMAC #1 – both of which I knew nothing about before.

On the digital front I think DC really dropped the ball making the comics the same price. I would probably have ended up spending more money than I do now had they had it cheaper (I get carried away with digital $1-$2 purchases) :smiley:

So far I’ve read:

Justice League
Justice League International
Green Lantern
Green Arrow
Action Comics

I’ve liked my picks so far. I haven’t read much DC before, just a bit of Batman, and a couple Justice League stories, so I’m pretty interested in all of what I’ve read. I think JLI has been the best first issue I’ve read. It introduced a cool concept, all the characters, and they’re already into their first mission. It’s had the quickest pace, but hasn’t skimped on details any more than the other books. I like the Superman: Dark Knight, take from Morrison in Action #1. I can see why a lot of Superman readers wouldn’t like it but I’m into where it’s going. Morrison has lost me a few books in before, and he’s not really my favorite writer, but I think I’m going to stick with this one, even if it gets weird after a few issues. I want to see what he’s building with this darker Superman.

I’m not sure what I was to expect, nor do I think anyone really knew what to expect, but I’m finding that these aren’t true reboots. There’s still a lot of stuff happening in these books that go over my head because I don’t have an extensive DC knowledge. I guess all will be explained, but going in completely cold is still a little tricky I find. I’ve filled in a few blanks by listening to some podcasts and reading along to get all the details. Overall I’m pretty excited, I’ve always been a Marvel reader, and rarely got into the DCU, but now I feel like I have a solid jumping on point, and a whole new world is available to me.

I agree that the push for digital is pretty lame. Even if they wanted to keep digital prices the same, #1s should have been 99c to snag new readers. Having your most expensive title lead the way on the digital format was a bad move, especially after having this huge “drawing the line at 2.99” push, they launch the new digital format with a 3.99 book. They’ve done a lot to move the digital format forward with same day releases, but their price point stonewalls it all.

Still on my pick list is Superman, Batman Dark Knight, and Teen Titans.

I actually wasn’t really impressed with Justice League #1. If it were a story any other time it would have been ok, but as the first #1 to be released it didn’t meet expectations in my opinion.

On the digital front I agree about at LEAST giving #1s cheaper… In regard to drawing the line at $2.99, that’s exactly what I thought about the $3.99 digital download – I couldn’t help but laugh. The other thing that I should mention is that I certainly can’t stand the continuity being all over the place. As much as I hated the idea of rebooting, the half-and-half model is just down right confusing.

There have been some nice surprises here and there (I liked Green Lantern, JLA, Detective and Acrtion Comics and Batgirl was surprisingly good). Others I glanced at at teh comic shop (Hawk and Dove?? Mr Terrific???). The darker edge is ok…but as I mentioned on the Legends 'cast (again, thanks to Nightwing for having me) - I think it would have made more sense if DC went the way of marvel and created a separate comic line. If they want to make changes, go for it…just dont subject the long time readers to changes they may not want or like.

We’ll see how it all pans out…