Dark Knight SPOILERS

You, sir, are damned clever. :smiley:

I noticed both of those but never made the connection. Well done.

And I LOVED it. Iā€™m soo glad hubby wanted to see a movie for his birthday instead of a steak dinner! :slight_smile: I have decided that all Christian Bale Batman moves are super and all those ā€œothersā€ from before just suckā€¦ :eek:

Oh yeah. But my point was that, in the comics, The Scarecrow is often a rather contrived character while in the film he was treated rather realistically and plausibly. The same could be done with Penguin. I never bought the whole Batman is unable to resist Catwoman thing. That was always more of a Poison Ivy thing.

I think that for the next Batman film, though, they should explore using King Tut as the main bad guy. On second thought, maybe notā€¦

Okay, I could see this.

And that whole Mr. Reese thing? Brilliant!

I could see that, I guess. The Penguinā€™s just consistently been silly anywhere on screen, whether movies, TV, or cartoons. At least so far.

I never bought the whole Batman is unable to resist Catwoman thing. That was always more of a Poison Ivy thing.

I donā€™t know so much as being literally irresistible, but I think thereā€™s an attraction based more on being genuine kindred spirits than just sexual attraction or phytochemicalsā€¦

I think that for the next Batman film, though, they should explore using King Tut as the main bad guy. On second thought, maybe notā€¦

Egghead! There so many more puns left un-eggs-plored! :slight_smile:

Oh, I actually disagree. There were a few moments when the Jokerā€™s grin or posture just reminded me so clearly of Heath Ledger that I was momentarily pulled out of the movie and felt really, really sad. In particular, his smile while in the holding cell reminded me so much of Patrick Veronaā€™s incredible grin throughout 10 Things I Hate About You (the first time I saw him in a movie and I had SUCH a crush). It took me a moment to get back into the story and be reabsorbed.

I have a personal rule for 3 movies in a series, max. After that itā€™s never fresh and worthwhile anymore. Villains like the Joker who are strong in their evilness and craziness can sustain a franchise, but villains are so much more often constructed as terrifying in their brokenness (like Scarecrow) which is more difficult to keep going. As this Joker was so unbelievably terrifying and frakked up and strong, I agree that they shouldnā€™t just find a replacement actor. Give us a new villain.

If done properly, and I now trust Chris Nolan to do it well, Catwoman could be fantastic. Like Baleā€™s Batman, Catwoman within this reboot would need to drip sexiness without dressing or acting in an overtly sexy way. Her motivation would have to be well done, too. It canā€™t just be a repeat of Two Face or the Joker and it definitely canā€™t be a response to a man. Then she could be Batmanā€™s love interest.

For reals! There were several too many side-plots for this to work flawlessly, but that was one that I loved.

After thinking about it, I canā€™t see it not happening given the target demographic.

Just have to mention that Julie Newmar was my faveā€¦

One thing that I loved about TDK was Batmanā€™s personality. He didnā€™t do as much whining as some superheros in film do when they hit the sequels. Yeah, there was some, and the Slate review that bitched about the dialogue between Bale and Cain being so much dead weight were right. However, on balance, Batman was broody without being whiny. He didnā€™t accept his fate without comment, but he also didnā€™t moan about it being sooo unfair. He also sucked it up when it was time.

One thing I did not like about TDK was the unnecessary amount of side-plot. They could (and should) have eliminated the whole Hong Kong corrupt company working with the mob and also the hospital (despite how effing hilarious Heath was in the entire scene).

What were peopleā€™s favorite action sequences?

But without the Hong Kong deal we donā€™t get skyhook scene. Or burning pile of money scene. Soā€¦

iā€™ve gotta disagree about the hospital scene, as to me it seems that was the turning point for Harvey becoming Two-Face, and as you said, it gave yet another chance for Heath to deliver an amazing scene as the Joker.

i think my favorite might have been the opening bank robbery sequence, it was just perfectly paced, with a great backing score, and awesome action.

i also loved the whole chase scene with Harvey in the armored truck. is it just me, or is the Batpod the most awesome motorcycle ever? and what can beat a full 18-wheeler flipping end over end (with NO CGI!)?

Agreed. That guy was just one big, complicated Mcguffin that couldā€™ve easily been dealt with without the trip to Hong Kong (and besides, what happens in the film would SO create an HUGE international crisis, itā€™s not even funny). It just felt like some executive at Warner Bros. said, ā€œyou know, this movie comes out right before the olympics. Hey, arenā€™t the olympics in China this year? We should have Batman go to China to tie it in to all the hooplah. Get me Nolan on the phone.ā€

I did like the hospital, though. Wouldnā€™t want to get rid of that one.

As far as the action sequence goes, Iā€™ll go with Listerfiend and say that itā€™s probably the opening bank heist as well. It was just beautiful and it set the tone for the entire film.

Just back, awesome movie. I thought that they would be setting up Harvey for the next movie. Apparently not. Although Iā€™m sure that little thing about cats was a hint to the next movie. One thing though, Christian Bale doesnā€™t pull off the cocky rich guy role nearly as well as Robert Downey Jr does.

Iā€™m the one Batman fanboy who didnā€™t see Dark Knight the first day, or weekend. Just saw it. And, without going into detail, it was the Batman experience Iā€™d been waiting for if not my entire life, then certainly since finishing Millerā€™s fourth issue of Dark Knight Returns and wanting something like that.

ps. Jack Nicholsonā€™s Joker wasnā€™t so much the Joker as Daffy Duck. Boo then, and boo now.

I agree on the motorcycle and flipping the truck as the best pure action scene. The best part of the other scenes were the actors interacting not the action.

Why do movies have to be so loud? I loved the music and all but my theater had it so loud I am surprised that the building did not fall down.

Harvey is dead but do we know if Two Face is?

Since you are a fanboy maybe you can help me. Why did the Commissionerā€™s son have all the I believe in Batman lines and saw him when he found out his dad died? Shouldnā€™t it have been his daughter or am I just misinformed by TV?

I wondered about that myself.

Does anyone have an idea?

Well, Batgirl was a character first introduced on the TV series, not the comics, so you may, indeed, be misinformed by TV. But maybe theyā€™re trying to get away from Batgirl (as cool as it would be to have Oracle helping Batman around) and changing the origin of Robin a bit so that heā€™s Gordonā€™s son?

I honestly didnā€™t think much of it, frankly.

An interesting point. In the comics, of course, that fall would never be enough to keep a character really and truly dead. These movies have been more rooted in reality, though, so I doubt that theyā€™ll pull something like that.

Having been raised on reruns of the old TV show (and watching the cartoons in the years since), I immediately thought about Barbara as soon as his family was mentioned. I did notice that they seemed to make a concerted effort to keep her from view throughout almost the entire movie. The mother and son were seen at the door when the police came; Barbara is mentioned but not seen. At the end, her face is covered for almost the entire scene. Iā€™m not really sure what thatā€™s supposed to mean, but it seemed intentional for some reason, whatever that might beā€¦

Oh, and great theory about Robin, Armando. That could be a neat twistā€¦