Dark Knight SPOILERS

Funny, that’s sort of how I felt about Indy IV, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.

Anyway, you know what does it for me in this movie? The subtext, towards the end when [SPOILER]Bruce sets up the cell phone bank with Lucius’ sonar[/SPOILER], on people’s willingness to forego liberty for the sake of safety and the dangers of someone with limitless power to become a corrupt fascist, at least of sorts (something that really belongs in a Superman movie or comic. Like what that character is like when Frank Miller treats him in his Batman books). All in a movie about a man who dresses like a bat to chase around a guy dressed like a psychotic clown. That’s worth something in my book.

I hope you come around to liking it, Stroogie, but you’re not alone. David Edelstein infimously trashed the film in print and, more recently, on radio and the Washington Post gave it a less than favorable review (but then, their critics of late have me thinking the OPPOSITE of what they write). Not EVERYONE likes it.

If I have one criticism is in the look of the film. I actually thought Batman Begins looked better because it was largely shot on a soundstage. Gotham, then, was its own little world. Now it just looks like Chicago. [SPOILER]Then there was the story in Hong Kong, which felt a bit tacked on. [/SPOILER]But these are minor complaints, as far as I’m concerned.


Christopher Nolan is the new standard for what great movies should be.

Oh indeed! Memento is one of my favorites (though it’s been a while. It may be time to dust off the ole DVD) and while I was not blown away by Insomnia I’m a big fan of Batman Begins and The Prestige. I’m really looking forward to seeing what he follows Dark Knight with and hope that he’ll return to Gotham City (he’s threatened not to, as he can’t name a good “third film” in a series).

Thanks for the encouragement, Armando. I’d read the Edelstein review and pretty much agreed with it straight down the line (though with less vitriol). I certainly don’t share his disdain for people who like the film though, mainly because I know so many nice people who do–like you fine folks. I certainly had every bias myself towards liking the movie, and went into it with all kinds of a high hopes. Heck, my dogtag is “Joker”. And being a BSG fan, I’m obviously not scared of dark interpretations of source material. But I felt disconnected and dissatisfied by the end of it, and until my feelings change, I just gotta go with my gut for now.

oh, your theater was not alone. that brought roars of laughter when i saw it, so much that i missed the next line of dialogue. i found myself laughing at most of his “jokes” quite a lot, but at the same time, feeling like a little bit of my soul was wasting away for doing so.

Joker got laughs constantly but it was all frakkin creepy and terrible things so you’re like “Oh wait…T_T”

Best lines in my opinion

“Wanna see a magic trick?”

Lucius Fox: "So let me get this straight… You believe that your client, one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is secretly a masked vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a bloody pulp with his bare hands, and your plan is to blackmail him?


Good luck with that. "

“You were quite the hero”
“For trying to beat the light?”
“For protecting the guy in this car”
“Who’s in it? …Oh. Should I go to a hospital?”
“You don’t watch much news, do you Bruce?”

Also about Asia

[spoiler]The Hong Kong part was not tacked on and it was so frakkin cool so see somebody use the Skyhook in a movie. More skyhook. All the time [/spoiler]

just found a great summation of the Joker’s humor in a Slate review:

"He’s also very funny—a funniness that has more to do with timing than with the usual villainous catchphrases. In two different scenes, Ledger gets a big laugh from his delivery of the following lines: “Yeah” and “Hi.” "

Full Review hereif you’re interested.


You will not regret it. From the oddball, dark humour to the action sequences, this movie has it all.


I think laughter at the pencil had more to do with disarming a very distrubing moment than anything else. I know I was shocked at first then just had to laugh because otherwise I would’ve been sick.

There was a great discussion of the Joker character on NPR’s Talk of the Nation today. I can be heard here.

One thing I haven’t liked about many recent superhero movies is the trend to have each villain appear and dispatched with in the same movie as in the previous round of Batman films. For instance, the early James Bond movies were fun with Blofeld because he was powerful enough to live and fight another day. It’s sad, because it looks like they were planning to take Heath Ledger’s Joker that direction in the potential sequels…

Just think about that for a second. The Joker was discussed on NPR. :eek:

How far we’ve come from the old TV show and the “funny books”. :slight_smile:

One thing I haven’t liked about many recent superhero movies is the trend to have each villain appear and dispatched with in the same movie as in the previous round of Batman films. For instance, the early James Bond movies were fun with Blofeld because he was powerful enough to live and fight another day. It’s sad, because it looks like they were planning to take Heath Ledger’s Joker that direction in the potential sequels…

I know, I was thinking the same thing. :frowning:

The worst part (other than Ledger’s death, of course) is that this characterization of the Joker is really so iconic, it’s difficult to think of someone else doing the character in the future, certainly not within the current series of movies. As long as Bale is Batman, I can’t imagine seeing another appearance of the Joker. Maybe in some future reboot…

Well, keep in mind that Scarecrow lived to fight another day and that just meant that he showed up for about thirty seconds in Dark Knight. And while Rachel Dawes was played by two different actresses in each film, I think Heath Ledger’s Joker is so pitch perfect that he may need to be retired to honor the actor’s memory. (One of the critics over at Pajiba.com, a movie/pop culture blog I frequent, suggested that the character should be retired from any further cinematic appearance forever in honor of Ledger.)

I’d be interested to see how other members of Batman’s rogues gallery are re-interpreted by Chris Nolan, though. I’d love to see him actually deal with Zasz, the serial killer who mutilates himself for every victim he kills (who actually had a small cameo in Batman Begins, if you pay close attention). That’s a very minor villain in the books who always seemed to me to be potentially horrifying in a real world kind of sense. Could have some possibilities.

I just hope they stay away from Cat Woman.

considering the target demographic, do you honestly see that happening?

That’s pretty unlikely, considering (as Lady D said) the target demographic. On the other hand, where to go from there? Penguin and Riddler are just a little too silly to fit in with these movies (IMO). Other villains start edging away from the realism, like Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Clayface, Solomon Grundy, not to mention a return by Ra’s al-Ghul. They can’t really build a movie around him fighting petty two-bit thugs, so some supervillains will be needed. But there are only so many who will fit in the “real world”.

Riddle done in like actual serial killer creepy ass (sorry barb) and cryptic notes could be scary as hell. Personally I’m banking on Hush

considering the target demographic, do you honestly see that happening?

I’d like to think that Chris Nolan is smarter than that. Then again, maybe his take on Cat Woman would be so far out there as to rob her of any sex appeal whatsoever and make her the best batman villain EVER?

That’s pretty unlikely, considering (as Lady D said) the target demographic. On the other hand, where to go from there? Penguin and Riddler are just a little too silly to fit in with these movies (IMO). Other villains start edging away from the realism, like Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Clayface, Solomon Grundy, not to mention a return by Ra’s al-Ghul. They can’t really build a movie around him fighting petty two-bit thugs, so some supervillains will be needed. But there are only so many who will fit in the “real world”.

Actually, there was a time back in the 90’s, when I used to read comics, that the Penguin was treated not as a silly oddball but rather as a ruthless crime boss who wasn’t deformed at all as he is in Tim Burton’s rather silly (sorry, but it is) interpretation. His nicname, “The Penguin,” had more to do with his wearing formal attire constantly, or something. Anyway, done right, he could be really effective.

I mean, Batman Begins used the Scarecrow, fer cryin’ out loud!

I’d say that’s probably screwing with the character too much. She’s not only a villain, she’s a femme fatale that Batman can barely resist. Robbed of sex appeal, isn’t she just another criminal dressed like an animal?

Actually, there was a time back in the 90’s, when I used to read comics, that the Penguin was treated not as a silly oddball but rather as a ruthless crime boss who wasn’t deformed at all as he is in Tim Burton’s rather silly (sorry, but it is) interpretation. His nicname, “The Penguin,” had more to do with his wearing formal attire constantly, or something. Anyway, done right, he could be really effective.

Agreed. I was thinking more of his impressive array of umbrella technology and tendency to flock together with birds of a feather. But I suppose even that could be done realistically somehow.

I mean, Batman Begins used the Scarecrow, fer cryin’ out loud!

That didn’t seem so out there, IMO. Batman’s whole “gimmick” is the fear that he instills in criminals. Scarecrow does the same thing in a different way. A hallucigenic compound that targets the fear centers of the brain probably isn’t too out of the realm of possibility. No doubt the military is working on it. :slight_smile:

Why am I lookin in here? How did I get here?

Nothing to see here. Move along. :slight_smile:

I could see Nolan taking on the Cat Woman successfully. An incredibly sexy villain but with ultraviolent tendencies. You know, Sean’s ideal woman…

[Spoiler]With the death of Rachel maybe this is the direction they’re headed.[/Spoiler]

An excellent point. But I can’t really see her as [spoiler]the rebound girl.[/spoiler]
They’re just too intertwined for that…

I was thinking the same thing. And they did mention that the new batsuit would fend off cats…

Also in The Dark Knight, the blackmailer’s name was Reese. Couldn’t the name Mr. Reese end up being one of those Riddler names? (Mysteries)
Just sayin’…