Funny, that’s sort of how I felt about Indy IV, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.
Anyway, you know what does it for me in this movie? The subtext, towards the end when [SPOILER]Bruce sets up the cell phone bank with Lucius’ sonar[/SPOILER], on people’s willingness to forego liberty for the sake of safety and the dangers of someone with limitless power to become a corrupt fascist, at least of sorts (something that really belongs in a Superman movie or comic. Like what that character is like when Frank Miller treats him in his Batman books). All in a movie about a man who dresses like a bat to chase around a guy dressed like a psychotic clown. That’s worth something in my book.
I hope you come around to liking it, Stroogie, but you’re not alone. David Edelstein infimously trashed the film in print and, more recently, on radio and the Washington Post gave it a less than favorable review (but then, their critics of late have me thinking the OPPOSITE of what they write). Not EVERYONE likes it.
If I have one criticism is in the look of the film. I actually thought Batman Begins looked better because it was largely shot on a soundstage. Gotham, then, was its own little world. Now it just looks like Chicago. [SPOILER]Then there was the story in Hong Kong, which felt a bit tacked on. [/SPOILER]But these are minor complaints, as far as I’m concerned.
Christopher Nolan is the new standard for what great movies should be.
Oh indeed! Memento is one of my favorites (though it’s been a while. It may be time to dust off the ole DVD) and while I was not blown away by Insomnia I’m a big fan of Batman Begins and The Prestige. I’m really looking forward to seeing what he follows Dark Knight with and hope that he’ll return to Gotham City (he’s threatened not to, as he can’t name a good “third film” in a series).