Dark Empire

The Dark Empire series from Dark Horse fed a much needed Star Wars fix at the time. I am not a comic fan, just never got into 'em. However, I’m an obsessive completist so it’s probably best that way.

I had read the Zahn trilogy and a friend mentioned the comic. I explained how I don’t do comics but then he showed me and I was hooked. I thought the artwork and storyline were great.

Yes Dark Empire rocks. You can thank this series for launching what Star Wars comics is today.

The only thing that sucked about Dark Empire was how disappointing DE2 and Empire’s End turned out.

You guys get to check out the novel’s ?

I never read the comics, but have read (Or listened to) all 3 and thought they were great. I’m going through all the novels right now, any1 else ?:confused:

There were novels? Awesome. You gots links?

Hehe oh my,

“You’ve Just taken your first step into a much larger world”

Yeah I’m a big Expaned Universe fan. I have an entire bookshelf and a half of Star Wars books/comics alone. Over the last 16/17 years the EU has grown to monumental proportions. I used to be a wiz with the EU triva, but I find myself falling further and further behind. I still haven’t finished The New Jedi Order.

If you’d like I can make an essentials list to help trarverse the weary waters of the expanded universe. That way you don’t have to read some of the duds in the series.

Here some links frakkintals

Oh. My. So much Star Wars goodness. I can Feel the Force flowing through me. Oh wait, I had a bran muffin this morning. Anyways, thanx for them links. Give me so suggestion, cuz dang there be much.

Well at the top of the list you should read the Thrawn Trilogy. I’ll try and make a list up for you sometime over the weekend. That thread over at theforce.net has some really great suggestions. Read it and tell me what sounds interesting to you.

I’ve read both the Thrawn trilogy and the Hand of Thrawn series. They filled a much needed Star Wars fix during the early 90s.

I recived Heir to the Empire way back then for my 8th birth day. I have found memories of sitting on my dad’s lap as he read the books to me. My imagination would run wild as I listened.

If you liked the Thrawn books you could read OutBound Flight. You might recall that from the trilogy. Basicly it’s about what C’Both the original was up to during the Prequel era. You also see how Thrawn came to eventuly join the Empire. Is there any one era you’d like to read about? That would go a long ways to helping what to suggest.

I’m so gonna do that with my daughter. She’ll love it.

Sounds like a good place to start. Thanx again.

The Thrawn trilogy was AWESOME, The following trilogy, not bad. Just read(LOL, listened to) Crimson Empire very good. If you would be kind enough to let me know what ones to avoid, you would make me a very happy Jedi :slight_smile:

Also regardnig me providing links, I kinda did that thing you do when you don’t wanna buy them, and can’t find any free downloads. CoughCoughTorrentsCOUGH*
:eek: Gotta love Audio Books.:smiley:

She will. My Dad passed away about 7 years ago and that is one of the fondest memories I have of him. It’s something that has stuck out the most of all my memories of him.

hehe I’ve been known to wear a patch and sport a peg leg from time2time.

About a list… I’ll get on it once my hyperness for tonight’s BSG episode wears off. Also AdiKT check that intro to the Expanded Universe thread I linked. It offers some great suggestions on where to start. Also Like I asked Talos, Is there any era that you are more interested in reading? Like the OT or PT?

That’s sad and wonderful at the same time, which usually translates into something beautiful. I hope I’ll be remembered with such fondness.

I went from Heir to the Empire to Children of the Jedi.
I’m actually just in the middle of that one.

I missed “A Truce at Bakura” should i go back for it ?

I actually have “Truce at Bakura” and never read it also.

It’s ok. Not spectactulare but decent. It’s cool simply because it starts right after ROTJ. Up to you really. So you’re into the New Repulic era? Post ROTJ. You should check out Courtship of Princess Leia. That’s the one where Leia and Han get hitched.

Aren’t there actually two where Leia and Han get hitched with some retcon to explain it? :slight_smile:

Seriously, though, I managed to snag the Dark Empire I TPB from a used store a while back and it’d been sitting on the shelf waiting for me to catch up with KOTR, Legacy, and Dark Times. Now that I’m all caught up, I picked it up last week and gave it a read.

It’s fun, and obviously a great story. There’s something really special about any comics (or other EU material) that touches the time right around the original movies (New Hope through ROTJ). Seeing those characters come to life again – priceless.

It’s definitely more “old comic” style than the newer material. The art is from a previous era, and the story moves much faster than the newer material. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, either. I’m definitely going to snag the second paperback at the comic shop today and check it out.

re: Thrawn Trilogy, I managed to find the second and third books at the used shop, but I’m still hunting for Heir to the Empire. I recently read one of the Legacy of the Force series (Exile) and am now looking for the rest of that series as well. Fun stuff.

I am into ANY time in the Starwars universe. I just love everything about it. Even the second trilogy, which alot of the older peeps don’t like. But I love it!
I just got a whole bunch of audio books from my pal. There are like 15/20 books from the old republic, and about 12/15 books during the New Republic and like 10 books about the New Jedi Order.

I might have to go back for the “Courtship”

Work is gonna be just great :slight_smile: