Aren’t there actually two where Leia and Han get hitched with some retcon to explain it?
Seriously, though, I managed to snag the Dark Empire I TPB from a used store a while back and it’d been sitting on the shelf waiting for me to catch up with KOTR, Legacy, and Dark Times. Now that I’m all caught up, I picked it up last week and gave it a read.
It’s fun, and obviously a great story. There’s something really special about any comics (or other EU material) that touches the time right around the original movies (New Hope through ROTJ). Seeing those characters come to life again – priceless.
It’s definitely more “old comic” style than the newer material. The art is from a previous era, and the story moves much faster than the newer material. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, either. I’m definitely going to snag the second paperback at the comic shop today and check it out.
re: Thrawn Trilogy, I managed to find the second and third books at the used shop, but I’m still hunting for Heir to the Empire. I recently read one of the Legacy of the Force series (Exile) and am now looking for the rest of that series as well. Fun stuff.