
Mainly, because of the time of year it is I am spending a lot of time playing, watching, reading and thinking about Curling and I was just curious to see what kind of response I would get on a curling thread here. Do you curl? Have you tried curling? Do you know someone who has curled? Did you go to or watch the Olympics?

I invite you to share any stories you might have about curling.

I love watching curling, favorite winter sport that isn’t hockey


:cool: Definitely. Curling is great to watch live, but even better on T.V. because of the close camera work and microphones on the athletes. It feels like you are right there on the ice. Sometimes you can pick up some good strategies from the pros.

I’ve heard that curling’s rising popularity is causing problems because the stones come from one single place that doesn’t have that much stone. I don’t get it, entirely, but it was fun to watch last year, and I’ll watch it again in three more.


Frakkin’ shite!

Sorry, I thought it was cursing thread.

I love watching curling too, partly for the strategy, partly for people yelling “Hurry!” and “Haaaard!” :slight_smile:

The lead scientist at a company I did some work for a few years ago once reminisced about curling after having spent some time in Edmonton. His quote has always stuck with me: “You have to respect any sport where you can put your beer down on the playing surface to keep it cold.”

On a serious note, I’ve always found curlers to be incredibly friendly and welcoming. This was really borne out a few years ago when an ex-gf of mine needed a kidney transplant, and everyone on her drop-in league team went and got typed. Turns out the skip was a match, and he went through with it. Tons of respect for curlers.

I played curling in an intermural league once in college. My team lost our first game and were eliminated. I thought about doing it the other times they ran a league, but the games were always at o’dark hundred on weeknights, so I decided not to.

Also, it’s an awesome Jonathan Coulton song. “Curl”, that is.

Awesome, I was looking for this.

Curl one game with either teenage boys or middle-aged men and you will learn a few new words.

That is ossim on so many levels.

My wife and I went to a bunch of games at the Olympics in Vancouver last year and the comraderie on the streets and on the buses before and after the games was electrifying.

I love watching curling!

I’ll always be behind the Scottish team but you’ve gotta love Norway’s style…

not my cup of tea… but may i recommand making the ramp a lot longer, and put everyone in skates, so the game’d be a lot faster?


This is a bit dated but shows how fast the game can move from time to time.

David Murdoch is one of my favourite players and I was able to get a picture of him after one of the games last year.

I like to watch curling, but I imagine if I tried to play it I’d end up falling a lot. A quick google search indicates that there’s nowhere to try it out here anyway. That’s a little suprising considering the scottish influence in certain parts of the N. Ireland.

At the Olympics we were hanging around outside the athletes entrance when some of the parents of the Norwegian curlers arrived. They were all wearing the same colorful pants.


Here is a pretty good video for explaining the concepts of curling.