Cool craaaaaap you've acquired/done lately

waves vaguely towards I95

Just brought home my iPhone. Now my 13 year old needs to teach me how to use it!

Good to hear, Armando. Sounds like your trip’s a nice early birthday present. Many happy returns, my friend.

I hates you soooo much ! :smiley: Look to the east. That rising plume of green smoke is my jealous head exploding. Ahh, someday. Someday.

Have fun with your new toy, Dawn! :slight_smile:

Hey, how many AT&T stores did we pass in New York where you could have gotten one too? :slight_smile:

The “thing” that we did on Sunday went wonderfully, my family and close friends are wonderful wonderful people and we all had a lovely time. :slight_smile:

But now I’m sad because everyone has gone except my in-laws. I want more party fun time!

ikywim ???

but now i’m sad because everyone has gone except my in-laws. I want more party fun time!

ikywim ???

GR in the hizzhouse!!!

My statics professor collects a random homework problem every couple of days. He usually collects at the beginning of class, but today he waited until the end. I worked one problem during class while he was doing examples, and it turned out to be the one he collected.

After classes today, I swung by the honors college and picked up a check for a shiny new laptop. I will be ordering that later this week, and I am psyched!

w00t! Huzzah for state-sponsored laptops!

Gaf went for a trip to Port Lincoln with his boss (visiting from Spain). We thot it might be fun to go diving with a few sharks…

When the camera pans across inside the cage, gafs head is on the left.

The dive took place off Neptune Island, about 2 1/2 hrs by boat from Port Lincoln. We were 45minutes in the cage, with sharks hanging around for most of that time. Very awesome to see such a magnificent animal up close, and much more thrilling than cuddling a koala!


Wow Gafra, that is one of my life’s dreams, to dive with Great Whites! Awesome! Thanks for the great video, and YOU ROCK! Now go and change your wetsuit. :smiley:

We were given a Wii Fit :slight_smile: So far it’s very fun.

I haven’t actually received this yet. But a reliable source said it’s on its way.

The shirt. Not the Cheez-its.

Found this guy in a pawn shop.


He was never released in England, I paid WAY too much for him at a transformers con, but at least I got the tapes with him!

Good find!

Last year I found a complete Jetfire in a secondhand store. The only thing missing was the box.

:eek: Sweet!

Classic transformers are the best transformers… if we ignore the masterpiece editions…

Aw crap. Now I gotta buy Cheez-its.

Fat free, oddly enough.