The Mrs. has a job interview this afternoon! The starting pay’s not as good as the job she would be starting in a couple of weeks, but she would be groomed to take on a more advanced position within a year AND it provides full medical coverage (so no more paying off COBRA coverage to my last employer for us!). Things would still be tight for a while, but it will be a significant improvement in our situation (I’m not sure she’s completely thrilled, since it’s not in music, but she’s always been more versatile in her skill sets and more interested in work outside of music and education than I’ve ever been, so she wants to do it, at least while the girls are still little). It also involves a TINY commute and a better schedule than the job she’s gearing up to take, which is also less secure as it’s a temporary contract.
Anyway, send some warm thoughts out her way around 4:00-4:30 this afternoon.