Continuity or lack of from BSG

Thought it would be fun to share whenever we find pieces in Caprica that are intended to reference BSG.

In the last episode (1x03 The reins of a waterfall), a building was used in BSG was used again in Caprica. I was wondering if they were the same building in the verse, so I went back to check.

The building was Caprica General Hospital in Capverse. It was used in BSG Season 1, Colonial Day when Helo and Sharon were trapped on Caprica. The building in BSGverse was in Delphi, still on Caprica, but not in Caprica City. By the way Helo and Sharon talked about it, it sounds like a military facility and not a hospital.

So I guess they didn’t exactly match the location up. Of course, the actual building is UBC’s library, which is a very popular shooting location for projects in Vancouver. It is also used in Smallville plenty of times.

It would still be nice if they connected the locations, makes a nice continuity tribute.

Another location that i keep finding way too familiar is the Athena Academy. It is another UBC site, this time the school of theology. This site also was in BSG Colonial Day, as part of Cloud Nine. So obviously not a match either, though Cloud Nine could have featured classical buildings as its attraction.

That building is used by Smallville, 4400 and Kyle XY before. I think the actress who played Lacy was in Kyle XY?

Good catch! I love finding cool stuff like that, where it looks familiar, but from another show. Even easier to do with actors!

I figure it, along with Warehouse 13 and Stargate, are all part of the Battle Star Vancouveria 'Verse.

i am waiting for the Luthor Mansion to be in Caprica.

Vancouveria 'Verse
I might start using that. BSG, Caprica, Stargate(s), Smallville, Andromeda, Jeremiah, Warehouse 13, Sanctuary. Did I forget any?


Haven’t watched that one, but I’ll add it to the list. I’m sure there are more too, maybe even some non-sci-fi.

Most of the seasons of X-Files, perhaps?

ok so 1 question i have about the timeline… in the opening credit of the caprica movie it says “58 years before the fall”… and papa adama says he has an 11 year old son… so with that math Commander Adama from BSG is 69years old when the cylons attack??? is that what we are supposed to get??? doesnt that seem quite old for the fist fighting, moderate drinking, commander we all love??? just a thought

I keep on waiting for Papa Adama to pull out the old lighter. I may squee. :smiley:

yeah the lighter would be ossim, but his collection of law books would be kinda cool too… but the age thing is really throwing me off

It depends on the individual - I know some people near 70 who are as vigorous and active and with it as they were at 30 or 40 or 50, but there are also those who aren’t. Depends on the individual, but I don’t have a problem with Adama being around that age, it makes sense to me.

Vancouveria 'Verse may need it’s own forum category. There’s so many productions there.

Was I the only one to squeee when Duck from the webisodes appeared in the bar Willy brought sandwiches to?

I got warm fuzzies.

that will be a great continuity shout out.

yeah, it would make Adama on the older side. not impossible tho, i mean if he would have his first child around his early 40s. It happens, especially to a career military person who after the war hit rock bottom for a bit.

but they could kill the young William on Caprica right now, and have Joseph have another son who he also names William. That way we have one younger Bill Adama.

I keep waiting for him to break a pencil.

i am waiting for young Willie to wash his face and look in the mirror to see the lights flicker.

by the way, maybe it’s pretty obvious, but is the holoband connected to Cylon projection?

Nice catch. Hadn’t occurred to me.