Conan the Destroyer 4/23 @ 10 PM ET

I like her open sided dress and ample cleavage.

The dude on the red-armored horse is pretty awesome.

A guy that big, in full armor, holding a sword over his head, staying on a rearing horse? Most impressive.

As a matter of fact, if you look closely in the background of the yellow brick road scene… Yup, lookit 'im go! Randy little bugger, ain’t he?

Maybe the armor was lightweight rubber.


I thot the same of Conan. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like how he is always flexing hit 6 pack in every scene. I want to rub my hands all over it.

Sheesh, the thief’s got a pair, trying to make a move on Gracie. Yikes!


“Only pain.”

So true Conan, so true. You are so wise. Perhaps we should all take a page from your book, no matter how short and monosyllabic the words in that book are.


Uh. Yeah.

Me too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Every Bond girl has needs after all. Plus, she feels “welcome.”

The princess’ lower lip deserves some kind of award. It’s mesmerizing…

NLot on your Knife… =)

There’s a lot of repressed sexual engery there. She’s a virgin, remember? Unless Wilt Chamberlain got to her first…

Drinking and broadswords don’t mix.

“They have to join.”

This guy should be hired to give “the talk” to kids. :slight_smile:

But at least broadswords are “real” weapons.

Assuming you can hold them up.

Yeah, worst sex talk since Gene Levy in American Pie…

Well, in his defense I think he was all set to say everything, but after taking one look at her, he knew she didn’t know what he was talking about anyway. So, he improvised.

There’s an app for that. Errrr, there’s an ep for that. Errrrr, there’s a blue pill for that.