Community (NBC)

I know it’s not Sci-fi, but is anyone watching this show around here? It’s quickly becoming one of my favorites (which probably means it won’t make it past this season…though it is on NBC, which treats its quirky sitcoms with some respect, at least).

I saw it on Hulu and was thinking of watching it… I take it you would recommend it :wink:

Oh, especially for you, seeing as how you work in academia (and especially if you’ve ever taught at a community college. It’s exagerated, of course, but still, I had some students that fit the show’s stereotypes).

John Oliver, Chevy Chase and that dude from The Soup. Seems like a good combo but I dont remember laughing during the first episode(cant be a good sign).

I want to liek it–I really do…the cast is comedy perfection…just…damn I want to like it!

Maybe I blew a funny fuse…

Really? Cause I really like it. Maybe it’s having worked in a community college for a year, or having spent so much time in academia. Maybe it’s the Arrested Development influence (How do you feel about that show? Community, I find, is very similar).

It’s not a perfect show, but it has a lot of potential and, I find, is very funny. Since I seem to like it, it will probably be canceled soon. Ironically, while Joel McHale is very charming in it, he tends to be playing a slightly toned down version of himself on The Soup, and that presents a slight problem for me.

Oh well! I tried.

took me a while ot get into arrested development…maybe the same thing will happen here. Same with Office (which I now cant miss)

The humor’s very similar. Kind of blink and you miss it jokes (two of the producers are Arrested Development alumni), very dry, sardonic, glib, and it really gets down all of the foibles of academic life pat.

I really like the show. It does have the off beat kinda dark humor that i love. Its not super dark but its there a bit. I think its one of those shows tht stands up to multiple viewings. 'specially last week where so much was happening in the background that was pretty funny.

Last week’s had one of my favorite lines of any recent TV show: “This is NO way to teach accounting!” (as a response to John Michael Higgins’ Dead Poets Society/Robin Williams wannabe).

So I checked out the episodes on Hulu (and FYI to all interested parties, the first 2 will only be up for 2 more days) and quite enjoyed it. As a Spanish teacher, wow. That Spanish class. Ridiculous.

I find parts funnier than others - very little laughing out loud, but it is generally funny. That Spanish rap at the end of episode 2, though? hi-larious.

I’m likin’ it. It’s still clunky, but has some great high points. It’s waaaay better than The Office was at first.

The Spanish presentation episode’s climax was just brilliantly absurd.

So you don’t feel offended about a show mocking community college? I attended a junior college for the first spat of my higher education and had a great time. I’m not saying I’m offended myself–I’ve made my share of jokes about the experience; plus I haven’t really gotten to check out the show, but heard a great interview with the writer–but I certainly hope they don’t try to insinuate that you’re a loser if you go to community college.

I never got the sense that that’s what they’re insinuating. I never went to community college, but I taught at one my first year out of school. I had a wide array of students, much like the ones charicatured on this show. There was also a variety of experiences in the faculty lounge, from idealistic young professors like me to washed up hasbeens who didn’t care about anything, to those in the middle who were just eking out a living and others for whom teaching there was a second job through which they could keep certain professional interests going while they pursued other business plans.

Then again, you see that sort of mix in ANY university, and that’s what I find so funny. There are loser professors and loser students everywhere.

I also like the faux-John Hughes sensibility that manages to both poke fun at AND pay tribute to his work and its immitators. Somehow, I think he would’ve approved.

So true! I don’t have any personal experience with 2 year colleges, but the student attitude is very familiar, even as I teach at an elite school. Some of the jokes aren’t particularly funny to me, but overall the show is definitely amusing.

I have so had dudebro students like Jeff in my language requirement classes…

My experience is limited to two-year colleges. Some crazies, some whatever.

The show is like a C+ for me so far. I like McHale, but the show is pretty uneven.

I’ve only seen the first 3 episode due to deploying, but what I saw I liked. it’s fun, and reminds me why I went to college in the first place to have fun.

I find it’s close–not quite yet, though–to an Arrested Development level of zaniness. Maybe not density of jokes, or brilliance of premise or consistency of tone, but it’s a B+ at least and should hopefully improve with room to grow, if ratings allow.

I don’t know why, but the whole Mr. Chang speech in episode 2, particularly the line, “I am el tigre chino!” really cracks me up.

Finished last week’s episode. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but I’m really liking it.

This weeks episode was amazing. I laughed so hard so many times. Abeds story line was great. The scene in the shower was great. This is becoming of the funniest shows in a long time. This past Thursday was a really good night for Comedic TV.