Clone Wars TV series

I attended a Q&A session this Saturday with some of the voice actors from Clone Wars including Matthew Wood who does the voice for Grievous and the droids. A fair bit of the droid dialogue isn’t scripted, a lot of it comes directly from the sound guys when they are told that a scene needs something extra for example the line from the first ep by the droid saying “but I just got promoted.”

Here’s an idea regarding the clones: Every kind of group, ethnic or otherwise, has some kind of literature associated with it – slacker lit, Holocaust lit, African-American lit, Southern lit. If the clones were an entire race of essentially identical people who were rapidly matured and rapidly died, what would the body of Clone Lit be like?

Short stories.

Haiku’s are their words
They write them because they are short
Just like their life spans

Lister FTW!
Clone trooper haiku contest?
I smell a new meme!

clones are all grown up
they want a little sugar
but not legal yet

Hey Garth, that was a haiku!

We can shoot well now
But I live in abject fear
That this too will end

Clone Wars domination
DNA degrades rapidly
Head bonk comes too soon



Duel of the Droids
Sweet episode. Proabably the most action focused episode we’ve seen. The lightsaber fights were really cool.

Finally caught the show again, the afore mentioned Duel of the Droids. Liked it a lot better then the previous ones I had seen. Has there been an upward trend of improvement?

the past 2 episodes were the first “To be continued” story in the Clone Wars TV series.

In my eyes, they’ve always been pretty good. In fact, previous few were more thought provoking. While the last two were more like a fun ride. But I wouldn’t mind seeing more stories that are tightly related to each other, even though I didn’t mind the more episodic approach.

I actually sorta like this show.
Ill admit, seeing R2-D2 fight that other astromech was humorous.
It is a childrens show, so they cant really have the same depth.
To me they feel like just fun, sometimes funny, little bursts of star wars every week. They are not deep, dark side vs light side, chaos filled doomed universe things, but thats ok to me.

I thought the R2 fight with R3 fight was awesome. It was kinda funny but at the same time kinda disturbing. R2 is not Batman. In most TV shows the good guys always try to save their enemy when they are dangling over a ledge. R2 had nothing to do with that. He bloody set his nemesis on fire then started cutting the cable holding them together. That is why R2 is my favorite Star Wars character of all time. He takes no SorryBarb from no one.

It was also kinda disturbing to watch Anakin pop R2’s head(?) back into place. I dont know what it was about it but it was kinda freaky.

As for children’s show I’m still not convinced that it is completely for kids. It does air at 9 at night. And another droid go its head ripped off its body. for a supposedly kid friendly show there is a lot of decapitation and head shots and actual death. The Namoidian (i think) that was helping Grevious got run thru with a lightsaber. Most of the death is to droids and to clones but i think there will be alot more to come.

Well it does come on friday nights. And cartoon networks “adult swim” lineup doesnt start till, 11 is it? It may not be for the kids range of lets say, spongebob, but for kids around 10 to 12 seems to be a target audience.

Yea, I would put the show on a Dark PG rating. If it were not for the droid antics i would probably rate it a light PG-13. But i would let a more sophisticated 10 or 11 year old watch it.

if i was a parent, i’d be explaining to kids that just becuase they are droids, doesn’t make it ok to kill them… so i think it should be PG-13. Or maybe that’s just because i grew up with ST:TNG.

Bombad Jedi
Reactions ?

I still dont like Jar Jar. I think this was one of the weaker eps of the season. I did like 3-PO in this ep though. I am looking foward to the three part arch starting next week.