Chuck 4x17 Chuck Versus the First Bank of Evil

Monday, 28 February 2011
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

Last day of February AND a new ep of Chuck. Cool!

All that light and smoke effects for a wee little credit card? Not exactly efficient.

It’s the Devil! :eek:

Jeez! And then she stabbed him?

Damn! She is seriously badass! :eek:

Awwwwww - Ellie and Sarah are bonding!

72 inches! I don’t think I have a wall that big!

Beckman doesn’t want much, huh?

I want one of those!!

Chuck with the pornstache! :eek:

Poor Morgan. Those 2 idiots need less screen time.

I, ah, don’t love it. :smiley:

So, “Mars Needs Moms”, yay or nay?

Probably crap. But who knows?

Aw, Volkoff, you old softy. :stuck_out_tongue:

There had to be more in there!

I want to go back to DisneyWorld. :frowning:

Oooooohhhhhh - I like the dress!

I don’t think anyone wants to party with us tonight Badger. :confused:

Letting Viv meet her dad? Bad idea, she’s already sliding toward the Dark Side.