Chuck 4x17 Chuck Versus the First Bank of Evil

Probably busy with March Eve festivities. :slight_smile:

Morgan-I don’t think you’re supposed to sleep in the Buy-More!

Casey’s gonna kick your butt Morgan!

Scary dude is back.

Loved that robbery sequence.

I’m going to hurt my spouse. :rolleyes:

Agreed - it was fun!

Is anyone still watching The Event?

Not me. Never got into it.

All is occurring as the Devil prophesied! :eek:

Ellie has created a monster!

Just wondering if I should make threads. I dropped out of it a while ago.

Hello new roomie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, that’s not good…

Oh, yeah… no new episode next week. :frowning:

Is it on hiatus? How how lonnnnnnnnngggg?!?!?!?!

I think just the one week.

Sarah picking out an wedding dress is sweet. Casey coming in and chat with Sarah is even more sweet. Eventhough he clearly is up to something.

Vivian is more hot than ever, and for some reason, starting to look like Ellie. Kind of bizzaar.

As for the Chinese characters in this episode…

That bank is so seriously evil, it has Evil written in the center of its logo…

The truck they were hiding in before they entered the bank has “Underwear and etc, laundry service” written in huge blue characters. While Underwear and etc. makes semi sense, but in Chinese it sounds very silly. Because its meanings doules as “Underwear, Wait!” And they need to get some new font for their Chinese characters… That Microsoft Jhenghei font just isn’t chutting it.