Chuck 3x02 Chuck Versus the Three Words

Local news show had a runner about people going pantsless on the subway.

  1. Viva la revolution!

  2. It’s frakkin cold out there. The revolution should wait for spring.

More than anything I hate Local Commercials. They are so bad and have try and put their kids in them and it makes be just want to go Jihad on their place of business.

I thought it was Strongbad. I’ve been informed that it’s Strohmberg. (I like mine better.)

So the weapon in the gold case is Trogdor the Burninator?

I love the girl crawling thru the vent shot…it always works for me.

Then you should be watching Leverage, Sir. Parker totally could have handled those laser beams without having to talk about her relationship.

I’m so gonna regret not getting a nap tonight…

Bruce Willis. Nice.

Heh. :stuck_out_tongue:

But Chuck is worth it!

Parker is OSSIM!


“Don’t worry, Chuck. You can’t.”

Aw. :frowning:

ExacTly! But at 4am when I’m mainlining coffee, it’s gonna hurt.

Big Mike’s outfits FTW!

Thank last night’s Sanctuary.

Big Mike and the fishing metaphors.

Don’t worry - my snoring will keep you awake. :smiley:

Oh, come on, Chuck. “Don’t want to hurt Sarah”–I do! She’s being a beeyotch; gimme that bow.

Was this episode also called “Death to Smoochy”?

Commercial Part 2

OK, those commercials are great. :slight_smile:

That is one hell of a party…how did the nerds get so many people show up .

Throw a party…with flyers. People show up.