Chuck 3x02 Chuck Versus the Three Words

His name is Strongbone?


Casey is pushing his youth! :slight_smile:

I really do not want to see Leno in Sarahs underwear.

I’m not sure I could eat them EVERY day!

So how does the bad guy get past those beams? Why don’t they do it his way?

Actually, that would be funny. Or at least better.

That’s not fair. I don’t watch Leno.

It’s Spy Stepmania!


That was so awesome

Nice Ocean’s 12 moment.

I thought it was Strongbad. I’ve been informed that it’s Strohmberg. (I like mine better.)

Knowing how to do something and physically being able to do it are different things. I love that they’ve just given up on the suspension of disbelief. :slight_smile:

Chuck needing to talk to Sarah should be getting old but they keep making it funny.

I love the girl crawling thru the vent shot…it always works for me.

I love Strongbad!!


Shouldnt the Carnival commercial have a girl doing the VO…

Sooo…was that a faint or the gas?

Yeah. Imagine Big Mike in the laser room.

In that suit!

“We’ll get together, have a few laughs…”