Chuck 2x22 Chuck Versus the Ring

Pasta in a Bread Bowl. From Dominos. Can anyone say “carbs”?

I see this is the last good Monday night TV night. Back to “movie Monday” I guess.

Carbs. Love 'em.

And Claire’s gonna be so mad at him for wearing that bowl cut in Trek. :stuck_out_tongue:

umm Craps…Crabs…Caribu…Nope i cant say Carbs…oh wait…Success.

How about the new ears?

Carbs are not a diabetic’s friend. Even though they are sooo yummy! And hopefully Claire will forgive him.

No way they’re gonna kill Casey.

Ahh. They’re gonna kill everyone else and blame Casey.

It’s a setup! Run Casey!

are we being introduced to a Third party now.

Not Fulcrum? What the frak?


Oh dang

Man Chuck has the best music

He’s in unenviable position. Storywise, he’s a romantic rival. No matter what he does, it’s hard to root for him, because doing so is going against our hero, Chuck.

The lyrics just fit so well.

Orion has the intersect. Awesome.

Holy Frak. Chucks dad is an interstct as well!!!

Chuck’s so gonna end up with the intersect again. Prediction: the big change is pretty much ditching the Buy More.

The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Way to go Chuck. :slight_smile:

If they know about Bryce…they know about Casey…that could lead them back…home. No wait Luke!