Chuck 2x22 Chuck Versus the Ring

Enough for a wedding I suspect.

That’s bigger than my entire house.

Casey as the new wedding planner = brilliant.

did Casey just say Bunting!!!

You called it man!

I am really digging the Songs tonight. Even more so than usual

U.S. wedding planner.

I like this hairdo better. Where’s Audra when we need her?

I’ll take my quarters shiny!! Kthxbai! :smiley:

Anna was lookin sexy!!

Guard is in with Roark.

Yea! Sarah’s staying!!!

I guess he’s a major enough character.

But will he be the last?

I second that.

“We do.”

You know, I read something about The Simpsons the other day. The gist was that while the show is often funny these days, it’s no longer touching.

Whether it’s the first class acting, the quality writing, or the brilliant music selection, Chuck can be funny, awesome, and touching in every episode.


Shit - is Casey going to buy the farm?

That was kinda shockin…didn expect to see Roark Shot…wait…he better not shoot our Casey

So say we all.

And Badger, one can serve both the US and one’s friend. That’d be Casey.

Bryce, not so much.

Well, maybe, for all the good it did him.