Castle 2x07 Famous Last Words

Monday, 2 November 2009
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

Hi all. :smiley:

Why hello there!

Castle playing Guitar hero!!!

Thats an interesting Death pose

That. Was. Awesome!

The daughter is gonna be on the case!

LOL “do you still have a truant officer?”
“budget cuts”

“She can spell detective.”

“Probably better than you!”

I always look at Becket and think (hope) she is a flasher. She always wears her coat closed like a flasher should

Love Esposito spelling B-I-T-C-H in front of Alexis! LOL!

So the producer killed her so her record sales spike and he gets loaded rich

Creepy stalker boy!

So excited for V!!

oh Castle…

yes you kill my patience!

Do I look like a killer to you?

Yes. You kill my patience.


LOL that was awesome!

Pull a Hulk SMASH on your bandmate

Feel free to bathe!


definitely looking forward to V tomorrow :smiley: