Castle 2x07 Famous Last Words

I’ll be missing the V Frak. I;m gonna go watch Zombieland tomorrow again

Why does the guy in the Enterprise commercial creep me out?

Skye is kinda hot in a dirty angry sort of way

That is one angry drug dealer

That drug dealer was awful helpful…

Hm maybe she was bribing not to sell to her sister… or to buy a gun

I was thinking “pay him off to sell to her sister” too

Haha he accused Alexis!! thats funny

final destination in song form


Final destination, but in song form. Sounds dreadful.

Bad management!

I;m sticking with my the Producer did it.

ha! stealing beckett’s line…

“just… let me have this moment”

You didn’t say that about Skye.

Just… let me have this moment.


the PalmPre is still Creepy and still a little hot. She freaks me out.

Me too! She’s so ethereal!


I’m not sure if you’re talking about the phone or a person… but I love my Pre :slight_smile:

I will be so glad once the election is over tomorrow, no more election ads!

yet i find myself attracted. Just a little bit. but enough. I think thats how vampires suck you in…IYKWIM

I was talking about the woman.

i was talking about the dame.