Castle 2x06 Vampire Weekend

Monday, 26 October 2009
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

Heeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheheh so meta

They actually made reference to Firefly in Dancing with the Stars.

My brain just melted a bit. :eek:

Space Cowboy! SQUEEEE!!! :smiley:

Yay! Halloween episode!! Captain Malcolm Reynolds!!

“Didn’t you wear that like 10 years ago?”




Bwahahahaha! Space Cowboy!

“You are my candy beard.” :smiley:

Space Cowboy! me SQEEE too.

They did? I missed it.

Um, I mean…I wasn’t watching.

Suspenders too.


Did Joss write this? Or just Joss fan?

Oh, my gods, he’s wandering around in it! squeeeeeee

“The body’s already in a graveyard. Somebody’s trying to save time.”

How thotful. :slight_smile:

Buffy reference too? An embarrassment of geeky riches!

They are blaming wolves again. :mad:

Was Nathan playing Mal? Or is it that once he put on the Reynolds suit he couldn’t help himself?

Lycans aren’t EXACTLY wolves!

So does Becker dress Halloween sexy?

Slutty nurse!! Yes! Yes!!

I wasn’t either. They mentioned something about a “special treat for fans of Firefly” on the upcoming episode of Castle just before this show started.

Werewolves, technically. :slight_smile:

Hay family is family some you like more than others. :smiley:

“Developing a graphic novel…”

It’s always the quiet ones.

LOL! The geekery flows!

Frank Miller ref FTW!