Castle 2x06 Vampire Weekend

I have been known to be one of those too.

This landlady knows too much. All of a sudden she is chatty cathy.

Like this? :rolleyes:

They just did a feed the birds!

Sex in a coffin?

Hmmm makes note something to try.

btw Quarter Becket goes to the party as either Inara or Nicky Heat

Whew sorry i am late Loved the opening

That’s bloody nurse.

More like this…

This episode is warming the cockles, nay, the sub-cockles, of my geeky little heart!

Please record your wife’s reaction when you bring it up. :slight_smile:

There’s gonna be a party? YAY!!

I imagine it will involve a smack to Talos’s head…

His daughter could go as Kaylee or River.

I’m going to watch the opening tomorrow over and over on hulu! LOL!

BTW, Zephyr fell in the floor laughing!

Sub-cockles? Oh my. :eek:

Sure thing.

“He was one of my lovers.”

“We forgave him.”


I’m confused.

“Sex in a coffin?”

“Something happen as a child…”

You don’t know the half of it.

Kinky! WooHoo!


Shoulda gone tougher on him.

Yeah that woulda worked, you sorryBarb…

“…those people.”

Becoming a theme.