Castle 2x04 The Double Down

Monday, 12 October 2009
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

I want a bean bag!

Something unsettling is about to happen.

Hallo All. Yay Castle

An educational webcam? of course something happens to the guy.

LOL the look on Castle’s face when he answers the door

Hooray! Dozens of kid who’ll need therapy. :slight_smile:

Hmm. I need to learn the violin. :smiley:

That was priceless!

LOL Castle yelling “that was awesome” was also hilarious

“That was awesome!”

Oh, Castle! LOL!

“That was awesome!” :smiley:

A good scam.

Love Castle going on about pemmican!

Capricorn One with a winter wonderland twist.

Sorry I’m late! Better late than never! Yay!

Castle is in rare form.

love the library book comment

“I blame the parents.”


LOL! She’s pushing his buttons! That was awesome!

… based on his extensive experience as a fraud

“Only their Fletcher was a 7 foot albino.”

“Nope, 300 lb Hawaiian, but close!”

Hee hee!

Love it! :smiley: