Castle 2x04 The Double Down


billions and billions

“I killed him… in my mind.” :smiley:

A belt sander?!? LOLOL!


“Have you ever been duped?”

“I’ve been married twice.”


Freeze me and my cats…

grin +5

can I see his body?
um… no

Now I’m REALLY impressed!


hm the fiancee did the cons to get the money to pay for the wedding?

A con man can’t genuinely fall in love?

It’s kind of hilarious that the cops are romanticizing con people

That’s what I’m thinking. And the mother or father found out and whacked him.

ooh I didn’t get to the “who did it” part. interesting

A little jealous are we, Castle? :stuck_out_tongue:

ETA: Boy, you really shouldn’t be! LOL!

OK I want that bath set up!

omg LOVE that her date is with Castle’s book and a glass of wine. That is so fabulous.

She’s a witch! :eek:

Oh wait, she’s just taking a bath.

I wonder if she floats…? :stuck_out_tongue:

Castle the overprotective Dad. wow even for him this is a lot.

Only is she ways the same as a duck.

the eyebrow lift! hehe

Me jealous Heh…double Heh!!