Castle 2x03 Fool Me Once...

Monday, 5 October 2009
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

Anyone else here?

Me! Just wishing DWtS didn’t run over every week!

i’m here… but they’re still showing those silly dancing people :wink:

Somehow, I knew that would end in screaming. :slight_smile:

I’m here. Trying not to vomit while being subjected to ‘Dancing with the Stars’. I only saw the last minute. vomit

Bwahahaha! That scene rehearsal was gold!

Love Castle’s family and now that Mom Castle is doing city theatre. I hope we get to see the performance.

That would rock!

Still thinking of Lainey in that red dress last week. ah Nice.

It’s fashion week in New York City and the clothes…are to die for


…When all the hottest women descend on the clubs like locusts. Except locusts eat.


“Hallowed are the Ori” :smiley:

Why does small town always seem to mean Ohio?

Fashion Week

That’s a big time for the company I work for.

Thank you!

I don’t recognize you with those muppets on your eyes.

LOL so true!

She didn’t really look like a model. I think Castle could do better.

there are many small towns in all states! hehe

I love that Beckett’s like, focus! Castle! focus!