Castle 2x03 Fool Me Once...

Hmmm…I wonder if there will be a model fight.

Oh please oh please. Hopefully in thongs…alright I’ll stop.

That would make me NUTS!

Oh, this guy was on Harper’s Island. He died well. :stuck_out_tongue:


This guy is either a bad actor or the killer.

Does it really have to be either/or?

“My wife is dead.”

Wow. Glad the editor cut that scene short. That guy was painful.

I agree actually

You said it. It’s good to be pretty, huh?

WHOA TALOS! SHatner AND Sagan? in the same avatar? I’m surprised they can occupy the same space without creating an anomally!

They need models that can act. Have you ever watched ‘America’s Next Top Model’? They’ll probably just looked for really skinny actresses.

Yes, it’s a burden I’ve struggled with…

Oh. You were talking about him. :smiley:

I always forget from day to day how much I dislike commercials

Whoa! That was a deep DOVE commercial! Go Dove!

Either/or :smiley:

Badger…did that skunk/bear eat Sagan?

Did Castle borrow that shirt from Apollo? :wink:

sssssss…there goes Castle’s ego!

LOL! Rina was the babysitter!

It’s a delicate balance. I had to offset by putting more of Sagan in the picture. I had a pixel-o-meter and some peeps at MIT help me out. They told me about some warnings but who listens to those things.

nail file?