Cast your own Star Trek crew

Robert Englund as the Head Engineer.

Versatile actor, charming and can do comedy. Looks like a seasoned veteran, and knowledgable officer, he would stand out from the young extras on set.

Michelle Yeoh as the Counselour.

I like the idea of an Asian as the counselor, and she has become far more than a mere action star over the years. Let’s see what she can do… And if an action part does come up, WE ARE SET!

Bill Bixby as the Helmsman/OP’s.

The everyman, the one person on set everyone can relate to and identify with. Can do dramatic work as well as comedy, and the ladies love him…:wink:

My choices for Admirals would be-
John Houseman.
Hal Holbrook.
Max Von Sydow (Back in his day)
Bruce Boxleitner (that would be funny…)

A serious contender for the Captain was Orson Welles, he also had a wonderful voice and an impressive presence. But I decided that he would make a better on going villian for Burr.

I also had flirted with the idea of-

Bob Denver as the Navigator…

But I soon realized that if I did that the ship would always be getting lost!:smiley:

Captain: Nathan Fillion
First Officer: Gina Torres
Medical (Doctor): Sean Maher
Helmsman/Navigator (Ops): Alan Tudyk
Security (Tactical): Adam Baldwin
Science: Summer Glau
Engineer: Jewel Staite
Communications / Counsoler (Scifi Babe/Hunk): Morena Baccarin

Sorry, it really just had to be said.

That would make a great sci-fi adventure series, I bet FOX would cancel it…oh wait :frowning:

that’d be the original Voyager right?

i miss that crew being on screen together…

How about Morgan Freeman as Q?

Or would that be considered typecasting:D?

Not as bad of typecasting as me casting Kate Hewlett as David Hewlett’s character’s sister :stuck_out_tongue:

I saw this over at

made by Rabittooth

Im all for it. Heck, how about an entire Summer Glau crew. A ship run by clones. Id watch that. :smiley:

And since this has come up again from Eff This Week:

what do we think, friends?

Hiddleston as Data is brilliant. That actually reminds me that coming out of Thor last summer, I heard someone mention how much he looked like Brent Spiner.