caprica final thoughts (Canadian Spoilers!!!)

Like everybody else, I’m really disappointed this show didn’t get to live up to its potential. Those last 5 episodes or so really didn’t miss a beat or get slow at all. I would say Caprica’s first season had a lot better pacing than BSG’s final one, but maybe that’s just me.

Like others, I find it hard to believe Clarice wasn’t in prison. Perhaps she managed to escape to a less hostile world like Gemenon. After all, the Colonies hadn’t united into a single political entity until after the first Cylon War, right? What doesn’t surprise me, though, is that she hit the ground running and is still stirring s#@t up! She’s a survivor. She’s a Baltar.

Showing the new William Adama (with those freaky blue contacts) let’s us know that the series was going to jump several years moving closer to the first Cylon War. If Syfy had let this play out I wonder if they would’ve gone all the into the war and beyond.

The teenage girl stuff was really dragging the show in my opinion. I just hated it and felt like it was added for ratings. And I have trouble buying that Lacy is now at the top of STO. But that line she gave at the end was pretty good.

I know that resurrection technology includes both the downloading part and the biological receptacle (body) part, but I’m not sure that either was really shown in the final montage. That new body for Zoe looked, briefly, mechanical as she emerged from the goo. So maybe nothing we know has been contraindicated at all. No long distance downloading was shown, and Zoe might just be in a really accurate synthetic body.
We know as of the end of the War, Cylons still didn’t have good biological bodies. I find it hard to believe Daniel Graystone had it before the war and the Cylons never figured it out.

No long distance downloading was shown, and Zoe might just be in a really accurate synthetic body.
We know as of the end of the War, Cylons still didn’t have good biological bodies. I find it hard to believe Daniel Graystone had it before the war and the Cylons never figured it out.

Yeah, one robot body that looks human is not the same thing the skinjob Cylons from BSG, who were “alive” in the biological sense.

I’ll post more of my thoughts once I give the show a little more time to digest.

Totally agree with you both. When Zoe emerged from the goo tub it reminded me of TSCC when the Terminator emerged from the tub of synthetic blood before he gouged out the eyes of the doctor who invented the synthetic blood and skin.

Why would Clarice be in prison? Why would she even be caught? The GDD guy is still covering up everything, although I could see him being caught. I don’t see anything about the bombing that would point back to her (Maybe her husband’s remains, but there may not have been any).

The biggest loose end might be Agent Duram and the GDD. Was The Director the only STO mole?

Not so much in prison, but I would think that Lacy as the mother and the cylon whisperer would have banished her (and weaken Clarice’s power in the STO) from the main STO operations given their past loving relationship. I’m not surprised since Clarice is kind of like Baltar, who’s kind of a cockroach that would survive no matter what, but I’m definitely curious as to how Clarice recovered from it all and gained even more power since the stadium fiasco. Though, I’m also still very much baffled by the Zoe appearance at Clarice’s sermon given their last encounter. I guess it makes sense, since Zoe is a cylon, but she hates Clarice. Why is she there listening to this zealot?

There’s just so much I still want to see play out!

I was assuming Clarice was done with STO.
As for Zoe being in Clarice’s sermon…
There are many copies…

As for Clarice’s sermon and Zoe sitting among the congregation, I think Clarice is working for Zoe now. Zoe has a Plan.

The ending shows Zoe coming out of the goo tub embraced by her happy family. Experience with this universe dictates that it will not be a happy family. IMO, Zoe is using Mom and Dad for her own purposes, like a good little teenager.

What confuses the heck outta me is if Zoe is touched by God and doing God’s will, what’s it all mean? We already know what is going to happen. Cylons rise up and destroy humanity. Humanity left-overs join with Cylon and get to Earth.


I mean, I’d get it if it’s about evolving. Humanity moving from a fragile fleshy state to a better organism. Something with better processing power and space travel capabilities. Explore the wonders of the universe with restrictions.

Instead we are living on God’s whiteboard? ‘This isn’t working, start over.’ ‘Oh that’s not working, try this.’ Et cetera. All this has happened before…

This brings up many big questions. Zoe does state ‘I am God!’ and clearly she is with in the realm of V-world. But what is her relation to the “real” God (who doesn’t like the be called that) that we saw as an occasional actor in the BSG world?

The church scene seems a little weird to me at first. I seemed implausible that Clarice could really get a congregation going, but then of course the sermons were really taking place in V-world (as Zoe’s presence attests to). I just think its a funny image of these Toasters moving bricks, walking dogs, changing bed pans etc. while they are simultaneously projecting their presence to church where they are secretly plotting the downfall of the human race.

Well, you see first some smart ass hacks a Cylon so it can go into V-world, probably as some kind of cheat in a New Cap City type game. That catches on, and the next version of Cylon comes V-world ready from Graystone Industries. Add in a little more intelegence, and the Cylons start making their own V-world. Cylons, being good multi-taskers start to split their time in the real world with their time in Cylon V-world, and “Projecting” is born. This also gives them a place where they can learn and grow without human interference. They hear of an interesting meat-bag nammed Clarice and decide to let her into Cylon V-world, where she preaches to them that the one true God is the ultimate creator of both Human and Cylon, where previously the Cylon had considered humans to be the ultimate creators. Angered, they lash out at the humans, when they realize that they have been suffering and dying for a race no better then them.

The moral of the story is don’t hack dangerous robots to cheat video games, you just might start a massive war.

Frak it, we should just write the rest of the series, right here.

Watching these last five make me really glad I stuck out the entire run.
I know some people were either turned off or bored, but I wasnt.
Sure some episodes were a little slow, but I didnt mind. I love the BSG universe, so anything is watchable for me I suppose :stuck_out_tongue:

The last scenes left me with so many questions I want answered and it makes me so angry at SyFy!

-What happened with Tamara?
-Did Clarice know Lacy had become the blessed mother, or had it been hush-hush? I cant figure out what Clarices face exactly was when she saw Lacy. To me it could seem to be either unwanted surprise or like just distaste at seeing her again.
-What happened to Agent Durham?
-Did the STO get found out? Or was it kept hush-hush?
-Was that avatar Zoe or Head Zoe during the sermon?


I think one of the most annoying parts of the cancellation is that, as much as I want to see Blood and Chrome, I worry it wont have the spiritual aspect that the last seasons of BSG and Caprica had. I know many sci-fi fans would rather it just be about spaceships and robots, and were really annoyed when BSG got into the heavier spiritual stuff, but I loved that part! And after seeing Head Zoe in Caprica, I knew they were going back down that road, and was so looking forward to it.


Another thing that occurred to me that was partially explained from Caprica was the reaction of every one to Tom Zarek in BSG. As we see in Caprica day each of the colonies were separate with their own national anthems and deep seated animosities. However, apparently unification occurred to counter act the Cylon threat. While clearly we saw that these animosities did not completely disappear by BSG times, it is clear that anyone that would aggressively act to up end the unification of the colonies would be considered a great threat. Even if he did have a point about the other colonies being held under Capricas boot heal.

Okay, this is an interesting note. Kevin Murphy is the Exec Producer on Caprica. He was brought in mid-way and was I think essentially the show runner for the 2nd half the series. He’s featured on most of the audio commentaries in the 1.5 season DVDs (whereas David Eick only on a couple.)

Kevin Murphy does the audio commentary for the final episode. Season two, he says, was going involve the Greystones —Zoe, Amanda and Daniel working to create the first skin job cylon bod for Zoe.
And the same time or maybe after she gets the body, she’s going to leading a movement AGAINST toasters.

And guess what Murphy says during the final montage when the camera is on Zoe seated in the audience listening to Clarice’s sermom :“Uh, I don’t know what Zoe is doing there. That doesn’t make sense.”
WTF? Although I loved Caprica, that’s the kind of screw up and “not thinking things through” that plagued the show unfortunately.

Also, I know I keep saying this, but just to be clear: The final montage wasn’t done cuz they knew the show was ending. It was a planned five year jump to get them where they wanted to be for the 2nd season.

Also, I know I keep saying this, but just to be clear: The final montage wasn’t done cuz they knew the show was ending. It was a planned five year jump to get them where they wanted to be for the 2nd season.

Wait… what? Why would they use a montage to move the show foward 5 years? They could do a time jump foward, but I would think they would need at least one episode. That was a lot to cover. Where did you see that?

It was talked about on the season 1.5 DVD audio commentary.

I didn’t get the impression they’d be staying five years ahead. I thot they would be explaining how they were getting to all that in season 2. Granted, I was so pissed off that we wouldn’t get to see it that I may have missed that bit :mad:

Ha! Thanks for giving us a sneak preview on the DVDs. :smiley: I’m definitely buying them at some point, but am waiting for them to go on sale. :smiley:

I knew Murphy became the showrunner for 1.5, was Eick or Espenson the first? Either way, I think as showrunners they all seem to have essentially the same problems in pacing their episodes and having too much material (and not knowing what to do with all of them - odd considering the biggest complaint about the show is how slow it is). It is what I think to be Caprica’s biggest strength (having some real intriguing and original ideas to work off from) and biggest weakness (having TOO much of said ideas, which I think frakked up how effective they were at structuring each episode and overall, the show).

That’s pretty general though. Though it would be interesting to pit Zoe against pretty every one she knows - her dad/mom (since Daniel makes them and is procylon), her best friend (Lacey being the cylon whisperer that’s holding her in power at STO), Clarice of course, and herself (given she is still a cylon - shades of self hate and self racism), and even people she doesn’t, like Sam and Joseph still works for the new Guatrau, who I assume still has a stake at Graystone Industries, and Sam probably quite liked that cylons could help the Tauron rebels.

WTF indeed. I wish I didn’t know that he had no idea what’s up with that. I thought it might be MORE interesting if Tamara (who we didn’t see in the finale, and she doesn’t really know who Clarice was, so I can see her gravitate towards a religion being all alone and not realizing that Clarice is basically the reason why she’s dead in the first place) was the one sitting at the sermon, and it would mean Clarice has set up a congregation in the v-world, which would explain how she excaped being hunted down by Lacey or the Graystones or the police by being a hermit or something, building her army in the safety of the v-world. But I was really expecting some kind of revelation from Murphy or the writers about Zoe being there. It’s annoying to hear that they basically screwed up and didn’t even know she was there - I agree, it’s exactly the kind of screw up that plagued the show.

I read it somewhere after watching the finale, so I’m not surprised to hear that. In a way, we were lucky that it was the intended finale even with a second season in mind, because I felt at least there was at least some semblance of a closure for the series. At the same time, the montage (which essentially showed a lot of the great ideas the series always has had, but it’s a montage, so unlike an episode, it didn’t need to deal with any pacing problems! Huh. Interesting.) definitely made me want to see a second season even more, even if I’m pretty sure it won’t be a perfect second season.

Watched the final four episodes of Caprica last night and am now in mourning. I thought the show was great, and don’t get some of the criticisms I’ve heard elsewhere (e.g. that it was rambling all over the place and lacking focus or direction). The second “season” was gripping, and fulfilled the potential apparent in the last episode of the first season/half. It looks like Season 2 would have been brilliant. Despite a slow start, the show delivered a lot of the elements and punch that I loved about BSG.

All I can say is: Syfy - you frakwits.

Did anyone else think that dead Willie Adama was going to be resurrected, making the Old Man a first generation skin job, with ageing?

LOL. Yeah, I thot they’d do something like that. When Willie actually died, I was like “Wait, What? WHAT!!” Cuz he was supposed to be the only character that could not die. It was a clever trick.

It was a clever trick, but also resolved for me many of the concerns I had that they were not following continuity (i.e., mothers name, blue eyes etc). Which makes it all the more confusing that the show runner has no clue was to why Zoe could be in Clarice’s church. Eh, sometimes its just more useful to go by what’s on the screen that what the commentary says. I like to think that the sermons take place in V-World because I don’t see the humans allowing Cylons to freely walk into a church. It’s more interesting to me to see Cylons as simultaneously residing in the real world and V-world (projecting) and plotting humanity’s downfall…

I need to listen to commentary again cuz it does sound like a bizzare comment. But I do remember it.

As for the Wille/Billy Adama thing. Again, another screw up. They had screwed up their math so that if Willie was Commander Adama then Commander Adama would have been in his 70s in the show and he obviously wasn’t. So they had to kill off Willie and replace him with Bill.

You can imagine Ronald D Moore and David Eick deeply invovled in the last season of BSG while at the same time planing out Caprica. I can see how they might have missed things, while at the same time other people on the project assumed RDM and Eick had their details down —and let’s be fair–it’s a complex show with lots of moving parts PLUS the added complication of being linked to the history BSG.

All that said, all that comes with the territory and you either succeed or you don’t.