Caprica Canned

First, SAD!! I think Caprica never did quite live up to what it could have been, but it was always an intriguing show with ideas that I just can’t find on other shows, and it’s a disappointment that it has to end before it really began.

I think part of the reason why they’re canning it is the other BSG prequel (Blood and Chrome?) that they will have, which would be more ‘demo friendly’ (i.e. more effects and presumably vipers and space action scenes). I just wish they could have merged the two together - I mean, it was pretty awesome to see this week episode when Sam worked with the cylon to kill all those dudes. If Caprica wasn’t successful because it was too ‘adult and slow’, then I have to wonder if B&C wouldn’t be successful too because it will be too ‘teenager-y and action packed’.

What I’d give for AMC to work with RDM and/or David Eick on an AMC sci fi show! Holy crap, that’s exactly what RDM and Eick should do. That would be some serious awesome. (And while I do love and miss BSG to bits, sometimes I’d think they might be better off making something new that was not in the BSG universe - though I suppose Virtuality (which I love and still miss!) was the one time they did, and it didn’t work out either - but that was more the fault of doing it on FOX rather than a cable channel ).

ETA: WHA? I have to wait AGAIN for the final five (heh) episodes? NO!

FFFFF I am loudly and angrily saying and vowing many unpleasant and uncharitable things on this end of the keyboard. It’s probably best I don’t repeat them. I adored this show–yeah, I know that BSG had more mass appeal because really, who doesn’t love dogfights and explosions, but my favorite bits were always the slow introspective character moments. This show was perfect for me–all sorts of people in a fantastic setting trying to either hold on to power or screw someone else over.

Ugh, I’m livid and tired and it’s not a good combination. Maybe it’ll look a little better in the morning, I dunno.

Thing is we kinda knew this was going to happen. When they announced that they were putting the show back on early. All of us wondered if this was just a way to get the shows aired and off the network. We all know that was true.

As much as I am enjoying SGU now Caprica had the chance to be soo much more. B & C might be good. But if it’s anything like the Plan I might just pass.

Look I’m trying to get my hate-on here but I just cant. I mean I like caprica alot second most underated show out there. But I saw this coming from the get go i mean syf was barely behind the concept however well crafted it was. I think maybe I’ve just given up, I mean I’m just not that invested in shows anymore. Well all got cut with firefly but for me it was little known shows called kings. Nbc cancelled it and I hadnt seen a show to match. So after that another show I really liked heroes got cancelled so I guess I’m just done with the loyalty thing .

which is a shame cause loyal viewers tuning at a certain time is how these shows make money and now I don’t feel the need to do that anymore, used to but not now. to bad for us and to bad for them cause this just leads to fewer and fewer viewers. which leads to more shows being cancelled… and so forth and so on.

This is why I really don’t watch a show anymore until it has been on for several seasons. The way these networks cancel shows now…at least this one made it past the first few episodes unlike some shows lately.

Lots of good shows that had horrible ratings in their first couple of seasons finished up as what some people would call great television after a 7-10 year run (Cheers, 24).

I no longer want to get involved in something that a bunch of idiots will just pull right out from under me. Been burned too many times. Fox execs should be spending time in a cell somewhere for their crimes against humanity for canceling a certain show. That’s my opinion anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok, so I can see why the came up with an excuse to cancel it but airing 1/4 of 1/2 a season is just stupid.

Now all I have left to watch on SyFy is Eureka. Once that ends, I don’t think I will have any faith left in that network every again.

DVDs out on 12/21/2010? This is one show that I’ll wait for the freebees - whenever they are aired.

And I was getting into being able to see SG1s Dr Frazier (Teryl Rothery) on the screen again…

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I never thought about why I stuck with Caprica, but the comments about how AMC would have been a better fit for the show makes sense as Mad Men and Rubicon are slow movers, too. While AMC wouldn’t have OK’d a full 22 episode season, you’d have had to settle for 13 ep arcs.

I’m with you. They air the first 10 episodes. Yes, the show got off to a slow start, but by episode six or seven things really started to take form, leading up to a nice cliffhanger episode where Zoe is running away and Amanda is plummeting to her apparent demise.

Then nothing. Any momentum built up, however slight, is completely lost. For months. Until they bring it back in the fall. So what do they do?

They change the night it’s on. They don’t promote it heavily. They leave it out there to die. It never stood a chance. What did they expect by doing this? I never understood these “programming experts.” To me, it’s simple:

  1. Develop a programming strategy.
  2. Pick good shows to spend your money on. Commit to these shows for at LEAST two seasons.
  3. Give them a time slot.
  4. Promote, nurture and promote again. Rinse and repeat. Keep your hands off the schedule. Don’t change your programming strategy. Manage your budget. Develop an audience. Don’t make your audience change their viewing habits or “time shift” to stay with shows.
  5. Keep looking at new shows that fit within your strategy. Slot them in every 4-7 years as needed.

I’m so sick of TV. Scripted shows that demand attention spans past 30 minutes neither get a chance to sink in with people and find a foothold, or generate any significant ratings. Season-long and series-long story arcs are the kiss of death, apparently. Let’s watch more Ghost shows or professional wrestling…

I enjoyed Caprica. The whole thing. I was looking forward to enjoying the rich storyline leading up to the beginning of the BSG timeline. Silly me, hopes dashed, ain’t going to happen now.

Uggh. I’m depressed.

I have been seething with anger all morning about this. I am not surprised that it was not renewed, but why the FRAK are they waiting to show the final episodes. Way to twist the knife.

There is a line between things that are annoying in our entertainment and things that are just wrong. I get when they move a time slot, its annoying but whatever. I get a hiatus break as well. But it is WRONG to wait almost a year hiatus, then take another 2-3 month hiatus on a show that has already been canceled. We are paying customers, at least in some way, doing what they are doing is treating the customer poorly.

If the show is done, then show the episodes. What else are they showing instead? As poorly as the show is doing ratings wise, do they think they have something better to pair with SGU on Tuesday nights?

I’d be done with SyFy if I didn’t love SGU so much. And Blood and Chrome sounds good. And Star Trek reruns… uggggggggggg.
I try to be a voice of reason and positivity here, but Frak that, this pisses me off. This was my favorite show, and if you do the math, the are not showing the final 30% of it, after it was canned. No reason to treat their audience like this. Its just wrong.

Pilot in mid 2009
50% of episodes in Jan-Mar 2010
20% in Oct. 2010
30% in Jan-Feb 2011

Its almost hard to believe they didn’t get the numbers they were looking for.

When you break down like that, it is really insane how they rolled it out.

I gotta say, I’m really kinda pleasantly surprised to see all the rage, anger, despair and frustration expressed in this thread in reaction to Caprica’s cancellation. I had assumed that the GWC community in general had gone “meh” regarding Caprica and that’s a perfectly valid feeling of course—not everyone can like the same thing.

But reading this thread, I’m glad to see that Caprica really made an impression on many of you.

I’d be more glad if they didn’t fraking cancel it, but such is life.:slight_smile:

I find myself firmly in the “meh” category. I watche dthe first season but was generally left cold. I recorded the first episode of the second season, forgot to record the second, and just deleted the first without ever watching it.

I knew I didn’t even like the show when I read an article about how the show had no likeable characters and I realized it was true. Who was I rooting for? Who had scenes I looked forward to? Was there a shining knight? A tormented hero? A ruthless but charismatic villain? Was there dramatic tension?

It was a weird amalgamatio of concepts that may ahve smoothed out over time, but at the end of the day, it wasn’t terirbly good.

SyFy also completely mishandled it. It should have aired the fall after BSG. The way it was doled out, both on DVD and after, was abominable.

This really made me laugh !!
Thanks for the smile amidst sadness.

With this getting canceled and B&C coming out soon it makes me thing what would really work for BSG would be an ongoing comic book. The creative team obviously has a structured decades-long idea about how their universe evolves, but it’s going to be difficult to have it all pan out on TV (apparently). Though, there are even smaller profits in Sci-Fi comics these days.

Well, I was ‘meh’ until it’s return. since its return it has been a much better show. better pace, better story.

can’t say i am shocked.

Im not shocked about not gettign a2nd season…kinda saw that coming.

But seriously SciFi…Or SyFy…or whateverthehell…just cutting it now? Really???

What the FRAK???

I don’t know about you guys, but it’s getting harder and harder to get invested in new shows. There’s no trusting that you’ll get more than 5 episodes. I royally sucks.

Not to mention that our favorite geeks (Big Bang Theory) made reference tonight to watching Capricatear

This is called “The Firefly Effect.”