Buffy 5x08 Shadow

Wednesday, 10 March, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

“Face it, white bread. Buffy’s got a type, and you’re not
it. She likes us dangerous, rough, occasionally bumpy
in the forehead region. Not that she doesn’t like you,
but sorry Charlie, you’re just not dark enough.”

Anyone here?

Aw, Joyce. :frowning:

“I, for one, didn’t want to start off the day with a slaughter… which, really, shows how much I’ve grown!” :smiley:

“Were you just smelling her sweater?”
“No! Well, yeah. It’s a predator thing. Nothing wrong with it.” :smiley:

I’m here!

I’m late, but I’m here.

A Shadow? Joyce has a Shadow?

Oh no! The Vorlons are gonna blow her up! :eek:

If that means I don’t have to read any more I say a Woo, and a Hoo.

OMGs! I just recognized Joyce’s doctor!

It’s Lord Refa! :eek:

I like how the doctor’s voice gets quite after he says tumor.

Woof! You are right!

“Nearly one out of three…”

Yay! Less than 33% survival rate.

That’s a real chance. Technically. :frowning:

Magic does work in this universe…

Vocabulary no-nos. That was number 5.

Dawn not making Riley feel better.

“She get all worked up like that over you.”

Ah, Dawn. She really is such a spaz.

Poor Riley. Le sigh. :frowning:

How did she get away with that bad mojo stuff.

Giles sold it to her.

“Just once, I’d like to run into a cult of bunny-worshippers.”
“Great. Thank you for those nightmares!” :smiley:

I’ve been thinking,

Yes, Glory is very powerful, but does a God really need to cast a spell to make a monster?

I love Anya. :smiley:

Xander, usually suffers from foot in mouth, but he can also see what is really going on some times.