BSG 3x05 Collaborators

Wednesday, 26 December 2012
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

"Well, isn’t that nice. A man can turn his coat, collaborate with
the enemy, contribute to the deaths of thousands, but the old
man needs his phones fixed and suddenly all is forgiven? "

Oh yay! Badger! Since it’s just getting up let’s give it 2 minutes for start?


Annnnnnd I’m jumping!!!

PS…thanks for the thread :smiley:

:edit: I’m about 45 seconds behind…these disk 1’s on the Blu-Ray love to show RDM babbling about the hi-def quality when I hit play…



This is where we seriously start getting dark…uncomfortably dark

I don’t mind dark…I’m weird I loved that season 4 stuff when it gets darkest and has no hope left…and it makes sense, you’d have to think people would be coming apart at the seams as hope fails them

It’s funny as I watch DS9 a lot too now…how much RDM loves his relgion and religious overtones in his sci-fi…

these guys aren’t interested in justice, just vengeance

Agreed…or some twisted form of self-vindication… funny how most of them are Cylons though themselves…

I weirdly like dark as well I find it more compelling

Its much more believable when it’s dark…especially with the premise of this series…you want a friendly holocaust watch the original series :smiley:

Gods, so much guilt to spread around

This feels so real, everyone wants to move on. You can’t move on until you’ve dealt with the garbage

And in typical human fashion, we deal in the worst way possible…oh poor Gaius if only it were that easy…

OK, the Roslin-porn moment is SO SO SO CREEPY…

the inside of the base stars has always been so WEIRD!

No need to make it look pretty when you can project it away anyway…

I’ve always liked watching Zarick & Roslin work off each other

No Roslin, the fleet does not & has never needed Zarick!

You would think if ANYTHING would have made Zarek see the light…it would have been the incidents on New Caprica…I do believe for a while they did… but something about a leopard and spots comes to mind…