BSG 2x14 Black Market

Sunday, 10 January 2010
3 PM Eastern - 12 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“It’s hard to find the moral high ground
when we’re all standing in the mud.”

OK. Say what you want about ‘Black Market’ but I’d rather watch this than the best episode of ‘Friends’.

Is this the only episode that starts like this?

Good way to start an episode. :stuck_out_tongue:

Baltar’s face when they mentioned Roslin’s recovery…I get no respect.

Ohhh, she’s a professional. palmface

Always so awkward, having to be be nice to whatever guy is shacking up with Mommy this week. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fisk dies like Lucabrazzi.

So sad they couldn’t complete the sleeping with the fishes.

He should charge her.

rowr :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not gonna ask.

Old Pikon message. Tonight, Fisk sleeps with the daggits. :eek:

Jamie is playing this “broken man” so well.

Now we find out why Fisk has no problem with the Black Market.

Why not?

Yeah, I’d forgotten how good he was in this.

I’ve only seen this episode once.

I don’t think that was ever in question. He’s the only fat guy in the fleet.

Pretty obvious his hand was in the cookie jar, both literally and figuratively. :slight_smile:

Occupational hazard of being Commander of Pegasus, post Cain. Remember what happens to Lee?

I’ve tried to block it out. :eek:

“Is this going somewhere?”

Lee, you a fool!

aaaack! got interrupted! time check??

Lee is one tough hombre.