BSG 2x08 Final Cut

Wednesday, 10 October 2012
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific

(Calculate Time Zone)

“Like everyone else, my pilots have lost their families, their
friends, everyone they ever cared about; but on top of that
they’re asked to put their lives on the line every single day,
for a fleet that seems more interested in what they do
wrong than in what they do right. They’re not asking for
your pity, but they damn well deserve your respect.”

Up against new American Horror Story? Let’s see who shows up…

hey I said I would… but we’re starting at 5 after right

I almost forgot to get off the Wii Fit for this…oops!!!

I thought you had a THING tonight?

yep…5 after the hour

FTL plotted, standing by to jump…

and Tigh gets the Previously! hahaha

Hockey season starts NEXT week and the games might be early enough to get me here in time…a win for all :slight_smile:

…and now a re-hash of all of Tigh’s FAILS…

I’m here, yay =)

ah, Tigh as Commander is the gift that keeps on giving, the flaming bag of poo on the stoop


UNLIMITED ACCESS! because we trust you and you’re clearly not an enemy of humanity!

shh they haven’t met her copies yet

oh crap I forgot about this subplot to the episode! (begin opening)

I am so jealous of Laura’s hair!

Racetrack FOUND some old magazines! (thus her find of this episode)

…and my mom picks a helluva time to read my facebook rant and call me… ggrrrrr

anyway, the bloodish writing looked a LOT like the “CYLON” writing that was on Boomer’s mirror in Season 1…

it’s towel time!

ooooooooo!!! NEKKID LEE!!!

This is one of my favorite moods on Kara: “can I be a suspect yet?”