BSG 2x08 Final Cut

and Starbuck with the checking out of Lee’s ass.

“Hi I Gaius Baltar and I don’t believe I’ve slept with you yet”

oh Dee. “I guess I just wanted to believe in something.” oh, Dee.

I’m juuuuuuuuust walking by I don’t know who you are at all!

I think that might explain things waaaaaay down the road :frowning:

the talking out your ass comment was a perfect way to diffuse Kat making a total fool of herself…

oh yes Gaius…this one DOES help you…indeed

“strange little man” that’s Baltar indeed.

Welcome to “the Real World”…pilot’s edition…oooiiii the DRAMA

A reality show I might actually give a craaaaap about.

No tigh…that’s CERTAINLY a Cylon Contact :smiley:

I admit…I’d watch it every week :slight_smile:

You could say the same things whenever he shaves. Or sees Ellen.

and smoke and mirrors

Boy what a mess if Sol had been killed and simply downloaded right there and then…dang…

Ellen is so so very poisonous

But she does it with the truth…that’s the beauty in her venom…

I’m surprised there’s any smokes left in the fleet at this point. How did Gaeta get that?

Gaeta kicking back. HA.


Awful episode…great song in the soundtrack…

Have I mentioned how hot I think Lucy Lawless is tonight? no? She is. And underrated as an actor.