Blade Runner

Throwing my idea of a Blade Runner one off or arc cast into the wind.

A cult classic. Plus there is a lot to cover with the massive 4 or 5 disc release of the Final Cut dvd set last fall. You also get a few BSG connections. Besides EJO, Ron Moore is featured in the new documentary about the movie talking about modeling human cylons after Replicants.

I enthusiastically second a Bladerunner arc. Maybe combined with Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep? Or pair it with Donnie Darko and make it a “BSG Folks in Other sci-fi/fantasy” arc?

i am fully in favor of including Donnie Darkp in some kind of arc. that movie, especially the director’s cut, is one of my favorites. i was thinking, though, that instead of DADOES?, we could do Richard Linklater’s beautifully rotoscoped film version, A Scanner Darkly. the visuals alone will flip your brain over inside your head.

Blade Runner is a no brainer for a rewatch, I’m suprised I didn’t think of it myself.

A long time ago you were supposed to do a Bladerunner-themed show. I think it had something to do with the release of the new Bladerunner: Final Cut. What happened to that?

New season of Battlestar’s what happened. Don’t worry – THAT ain’t happenin’ again any time soon.

Okay, so maybe do a Blade Runner episode?

I actually PM’d the trio about this a few months back and they said it was definitely on the to-do-eventually list.


Announce the podcast so we can get our Blade Runner re-watch on. :smiley:

Which one do we watch? The original, the original Director’s Cut (which I own), or the Ultimate Director’s Cut (which I wouldn’t mind having my arm twisted to buy)?

I don’t think we’d need to have a specific version (unless there was a commentary). We could talk about them all together, comparing versions etc and, apart from the end of Original cut, the story’s practically the same.
I have the 5 disc set and feel the Final Cut is the best so if I had to pick I would pick that, although that and the Director’s Cut are practically the same (just updated effects, some goofs changed etc) although the set is good enough to buy just for the wxtras (if you like that sort of thing).

I say go with the Final Cut version. I think it is the best artitically. If you haven’t seen the new version yet, I reccomend netflixing the movie. The version that has Deckard’s narration is good to watch for nostalgic value.

Placing in my Amazon wish list now…

I just read the novel by Phil Dick. Very different from the movie. That’d definitely make for an interesting discussion.

Check it out here :slight_smile: It was the group read in January (before my time, alas, but still…)

I know I’m beating a dead horse here, but there is just so… SO much good stuff on the “Super-fantastic-mega-ultimate-give-us-your-money” edition of Blade Runner, that the GWC staff needs to just take a day and watch it. All of it. That goes for everybody, do yourself a favor, especially if you’re a fan of the film. Your fandom will increase tenfold.

It just goes without saying that the podcast would be so much better and there’d be a lot more interesting discussion when you take into account all of the material, beyond that of just the theatrical (or even the Director’s) cut of the film.


There are really similarities with the cylon / replicant theme that it really makes sense. Remember Six in the first ep when she approached the colonial officer on Armistice station…

And then this monologue ex BR:

Deckard: “I don’t know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody’s life, my life. All he’d wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.”


Agreed (enthusiastically Sir!)


I am so glad so many people on the Forum agree that a Blade Runner arc must be done. I’m spending all weekend with my netflixed Final Cut, Making of documentary and the Theatrical version. There’s even a set of novels which are “semi-authorized” sequels that continue the story. This thing could go on for a month.

I’m old enough to have seen the first run original version in the theatre in 1982. The Theatrical Version has enormous sentimental and nostalgic value for me, and I’m one the few fans of the voice-over narration. It helps explain some the things going on in Deckard’s head and fleshes out the relationship between him and Gaff and Bryant.

If I had to pick one version though, the Final Cut would be it.

This amazing classic also has tie-ins to BSG (Olmos), Star Wars (Ford) and Dune (Young). I can’t wait to see what GWC makes of this movie.

Yeah, that’s the eternal conundrum of which Bladerunner should a person watch, isn’t it? The Final Cut is probably the “best,” but it would be hard to follow in places if one hadn’t seen the Theatrical Cut with the voice-overs first.