BIKINI!!! - inofficial caption contest

Six in the red bikini - unforgettable!

But what was it they were saying to each each other? I think I wasn’t paying enough attention to their lines :slight_smile:

Could it have been something like:

“There’s an opening in my harem, and I would really appreciate your stopping by for an interview at the beginning of the next season.”

“No no no honey, you’re staying home with the kids and I’m gonna go down to the bar to watch the ball game.”

“Do you think the water’s cold?”

“You’re blocking the sun.”

“Excuse me, is this the set of Baywatch?”

“What did you think of No Country For Old Men? Or are you more of a Daniel Day-Lewis woman?”

Baltar: I understand you have an opening that you need filled immediately.

I am a bad…bad…bad man…

“So, how about some Quiznos?”

Baltar: “Really? You think your friend D’anna would be into it?”

Solai, Solai, Solai… :smiley:

Six: “When I said you should wear your bathing suit, I didn’t think you’d bring a blazer.”

Baltar: “Can I touch your god?”

Baltar: Yes, my dear. I came over as soon as I could. You say you’re having trouble booting Windows? Oh, I’d be happy to help…if you you know what I mean.

(Ok, that was a kinda an inside joke. See this post:)

Oh my… it’s good I’m alone at the moment and nobody can see me rolling on the floor, laughing. You know, I think that if you put three or four GWCers like us on a stage, we’d make one hell of a cool comedy show. Nobody would get the geek-ish jokes, but would it really matter?:smiley:

Baltar: If only I could turn this thing on…

6 to Baltar: “is that a toaster in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”

(Its one of those days, cut me some slack!)

6:“Wanna see some other red things?”

Baltar:Im sorry honey, reds just not your color, you really should take it all off. Now.

stolen from Maxim, but funny nontheless…

“Can you guess where my USB port is, Baltar?”

“Where’s your firewire?”

are you blonde all over?

i’m searching for god, oh, there they are!

Baltar: Time for Dr. Baltar’s new and improved Cylon Detection Test!!!