BIKINI!!! - inofficial caption contest

Boxy, you rock!

So if you’re in my head, and I’m in your head…

Baltar: So, L’Hopitals rule states that for functions f(x) and g(x), if the limit of f(x) as x approaches a constant equals the limit of g(x) as x approaches the same… Hey! Are you even listening to me?

yes, you are

Baltar: Stop me if you’ve heard this one, “a priest and an oracle walk into a bar…”

You’ve got sand all over your gods.

oh wow, i really laughed at this one as we just covered L’Hopital’s rule in my calc course.

Sorry, wow, I got caught staring at that picture for like 20 minutes…Gosh she’s hot…

at last! someone who knows WHAT I MEAN!!!

[QUOTE=GalaxyRanger;22802]Six in the red bikini - unforgettable!

Baltar: Yes, it looks very nice on you. Can I have my bikini back now?

Ewwwww…Thanks for that visual, NOT.

This is Trisha’s birthday, April 11th !

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
You look great in red clothes,
And out of them too.

:smiley: I just love Baltar’s endless posturing. He always seems like he’s delivering a lecture, ya know? :cool:

Topgun FTW!!!

Okay I’m closing my eyes now …concentrating…concentrating…almost there…concentrating…There…I’ve got it…The image in mind of Trisha in her Birthday Suit.

I’ve quite lost track; who’s in who’s head, again?

well, seeing as how there was that whole playboy thing, that shouldn’t be too hard to imagine.

Mmmmmm. Toasty.

Huh ?
Are you saying that James did a Playboy shoot ?

yes indeedy doo - she sure was

but this pic is just…wow