Babylon 5: 5x19 The Wheel of Fire - 6/26 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, June 26th, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (SUN) UK/Ireland
4 AM (SUN) Germany
11 AM (SUN) Seoul
1 PM (SUN] Melbourne

"I tell you, the next person who acts irrationally, I swear I’m gonna shoot myself in the head. "

whats crackin homies?

The Pandorica Opens! :eek:

you should take something for that…FiberCon maybe?

I’m seeing a Doctor for it. :slight_smile:

And so it begins…

G’Kar is a little popular… :smiley:

The Second (Third?) Coming of the Prophet G’Kar! :smiley:

Oh, Michael. Such a mess. :frowning:

yeah…he’s no Col. Tigh…that dude could drink and still tell people to “do your damn jobs!!!”

be polite if the President offered him a dri…oh wait… :smiley:

Tigh was a drunk, while Michael’s an alcoholic.

A subtle, but huge, difference. :frowning:

Note to self: If you want to save the universe, call John Sheridan. If you have an addiction, call anyone else. :stuck_out_tongue:

Gotta give it to him tho…he was a true friend to Garibaldi…

really not sure they keep hinting about them having “problems”…only time they really never got along was when Garibaldi was under Besters control…

unless Im missing something

very good point…

Of course, that’s the same idea as the Minbari philosophy of life: the universe trying to figure itself out.

damnit Byron…not even onthe show and youre messing things up

I don’t mean to say that he wasn’t a good friend, but he’s clearly unable to deal with the failings of his friends.

Taking Lyta by surprise would be a good trick. :slight_smile:

oh totally agree…

be vewy vewy quiet…