Babylon 5: 5x19 The Wheel of Fire - 6/26 @ 10PM ET

wow Sheridan…ballsy

I love Lyta’s subtle display of power.

“You cannot stop someone who’s been touched by Vorlons.”
“You’re not the only one who’s been touched by Vorlons.” :eek:

Her power is linked to her anger?

OMGs! She’s the Hulk! :eek:

awwwwwwwww…Garibaldi is gonna get some…

“I’ll get the gun…” :smiley:

The love of a beautiful woman can fix many things. The far-reaching power and wealth of a mega-corporation can fix the others. :smiley:

That should be a t shirt :smiley:

A hundred to one against is still a chance. Your gambling skills are still in play, Stephen. :slight_smile:

This is where Lyta scares the out of me…

And then Michael becomes scary with his ease of utilizing the power of Edgars Industries.

This was where the show started to make me sad. Everyone leaving the station, one by one. It really feels like the end is nigh. :frowning:

this is messed up

It’s a shame we never got to see this upcoming Telepath War.

wonder if they ever dealt with this in the books…the two years later thing…

“…a doomsday weapon.”
“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Garibaldi.”

Just frakkin’ scary. :eek:

No, John,he’s not

just breaks your heart seeing him alone like that

I’m fairly certain they did. I think ATGreat mentioned something about it once.