Babylon 5: 5x14 Meditations on the Abyss - 5/29 @ 11PM ET

Saturday, May 29th, 2010
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (SUN) UK/Ireland
5 AM (SUN) Germany
12 PM (SUN) Seoul
2 PM (SUN) Melbourne

“Vir, we are not biologically equipped to handle fast food.”

and here…we…go

On no! Delenn. The Minbari phone!!

so she needs ot slide down the Mimbari pole…to the Mimbari cave…and get in the Mimbari mobile :smiley:

My wife gets so pissed when I wake up, if she gets up. She says, “You are such a light sleeper.” It’s true.

That alarm clock has a sucky snooze button. Slap that once and you are really awake.

I could totally see myself getting impaled on that thing in my sleep. :eek:

So, this is what Minbari do for a good time. Beat on humans.

True. Sharp objects in the bedroom. Not a good idea.

“You broke my finger!”
“True. You have nine others. For the moment.”

Delenn is so cool. :smiley:

ahhh Lennier…

…tell me what you need done and I’ll make it happen…

Lenner is such a kiss ass! :slight_smile:

Why not? They’re just mundanes. :smiley:

Lennier’s face when Delenn starts talking about the Drazi world mission.

Poor Lennier.

one of the many things he wants to d oto DeLenn :slight_smile:

Delenn, you tease.

How could she not know?

see now here’s the thing that kind of irked me about Delenn…she knows Lennier is in love with her. She has to know this drives hiim batsh*t.

“He knows me, but he also loves me. Sometimes the one can get in the way of the other.”

Yeah, like you need to tell Lennier that. :rolleyes:

“There’s no need to hurry Lennier.”

“That would not be wise.”

I’ve got something to deal with in my quarters. Privately. IYKWIM.

That’s why she called on him. She knows he’d do anything she’d ask.