Babylon 5: 5x14 Meditations on the Abyss - 5/29 @ 11PM ET



“I eat at McBari’s”

Hehe. Golden Head Bones.

ohh Delenn…there is one thing that will make him betray the rangers…

I wonder if the headbone is involved. :eek:

“Stew all day on that.”

Londo. Love him.

I love Londo screwing with the Drazi. :stuck_out_tongue:

Londo is teh ossim…truly

Ambassador Vir Cotto…nice ring to it

Not like Emperor Vir Cotto…but

Could it be similar to Oo-mox?

Maybe that explains the varieties of shapes.

And why males are more pointy. :eek:

The Minbari complaining about someone leaving out important information? That’s the definition of Irony I think…

Getting choked up during the scene between Franklin and G’Kar. The actors are both gone. :frowning:

Mr. Garibaldi is now religious dogma. :slight_smile:

circular stain is s coffee stain from Mr Garibaldi…even whe Michaels not there…he’s there

they are truly missed

Hey! You fly the Minbari fighter like a Cylon raider.

I know. Out of the whole cast, they weren’t remotely among the first I’d expect to have died. :frowning:

“You have given me back my sight. The least I could do is share a little of my confusion.”

G’Kar gets some great lines. Andreas wsa great in saying them.

“It is not necessary to know. It is only necessary to try.”

Thanx, Yoda.

Thanks for reminding me. Sad now. :frowning:

not really gone as long as we remember them