Babylon 5: 5x11 Phoenix Rising - 5/22 @ 10PM ET

Season 4 finale flashback folks!

Here Mr. President look into my huge eyes, everything will be alright.

“One way or another…we will be gone.”


See, Bester is worried.

I never would have recognized him on Voyager. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that DS9 episode; it must be from around the time that I lost interest during the first run.

Goodbye, you hippies!!

And not cool hippies like Trek had. You didn’t even jam!!

her eyes are a little higher Mr President…

…but I understand

So … Bester can transmit through walls, but he has to take his glove off first???

Corps is a really frakked up family

Bester is a zealot. They’re usually hated by everyone.

This is all Zack’s fault. You’ve got a prisoners transfer and security allows a bunch of armed Psi Cops in there.

yeah…Garibaldi wouldnt have allowed that

Agreed, Zak’s not a great security chief. And the funny thing is Garibaldi did teach him everything he knew. :slight_smile:

Say what you want, this is schmulsy rubbish but it’s better than the Prequels romance.






Wake me when it’s over. :stuck_out_tongue:


“And we’ll all be together in a better place…”


Psi Corps is a frakked up family. Bester is the smothering mother.

“I don’t understand. I truly don’t.”

Yeah, Bester I trust you.

“Remember Byron”

No thanks.