Babylon 5: 4x16 The Exercise of Vital Powers - 2/27 @ 11PM ET

Saturday, February 27th, 2010
11 PM Eastern - 8 PM Pacific
4 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
5 AM (WED) Germany
12 PM (WED) Seoul
2 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Mars… I can’t believe I’m back on Mars. Three times before, this place almost killed me. I swore I’d never give it another chance to finish the job. Humans got no business being here. No business at all.”

What the frak is Michael thinking?

The episode hasn’t even started. Out of all the threads that occur in Babylon 5, the Garibaldi story arc had me baffled.

Baffled? I was pissed.

[spoiler]It did the same for me until Bester reveiled all…[/spoiler]

Yeah. That too. I was used to Star Trek plots. I had seen Borgified, and alien abduction, mirror universe folk, etc. I was totally unprepared for the Garibaldi 180.

The Garibaldi arc for me wasn’t the best but it was the most frustrating and mind-frakkin.

Huh? Now that I think of it. Has it been asked? Which is your favorite B5 character arc?

For me, G’Kar. Easily.

Oh, I very much enjoyed the arc. After it was over.

While it was going on, I grew to really dislike one of my favorite characters. And yet, it was so well done that it seemed natural, much like all of the major character arcs.

Hi guys, I’m here.

Love the TV snow start.

Kosh. It was much more subtle, yes, but you could see a progression in his character, as he learned to accept the younger races, Sheridan especially, as equals.

This totally describes my experience also.

And that’s what made it so great an arc, just like G’Kar and Londo going from enemies to friends over the five years of the story.

Michael, what the frak are you doing on Mars!?!

If only I had some stims, everything would be OK. :slight_smile:

Lyta, what are you doing in that freaky guy’s mind? You just said it’s against the rules. Frakkin telepaths.

So how does the owner of Edgars Industries escape from ever being seen? Howard Heughs was a crazy man and a recluse, but there are a lot of pictures of him. CEO’s have to be cheerleaders and the public face of their company.

You’re wicked.

Edgars has to know that Lise and Michael have a history.

“I don’t trust Clarke.”

You don’t trust Sheridan.

Problem with authority, Michael?