Babylon 5: 4x16 The Exercise of Vital Powers - 2/27 @ 11PM ET

“You’re half-way to the truth.”

But you trust this guy? Money must be good.

Communicating with another telepath is a whole different matter.

The economics of the future are somewhat different. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edgars knows everything about Michael. Everything.

[spoiler]Except the one thing he should.[/spoiler]

“It sounded like the sound a Shadow vessel makes…”

Zoom in.

That was weird.

Is that a short bed?

And once again, Lyta is forced into someone else’s problem. Le sigh. :frowning:

“How do you feel about telepaths?”

Interesting that they used a black woman for this form of questioning.

This is a freaky, cold scene.

Reminds me of my first studio apt.

Space is limited on Mars. Kinda like Japan. At least he didn’t get a shelf room.

She looks like one of the telepaths that works for Wolfram and Hart, right before Linsey got his promotion.

“Do you remember anything?”

I started to think Edgars was behind Michael’s abduction. But I could not figure out why.

“Are you still in love with my wife?”

It’s always a love story.

Yeah. Very similar. Coincidence?

Maybe not. Whedon has acknowledged JMS as an influence.

Hey, I stayed in one of those at Narita airport. Very cool experience.

Lyta’s thinking, “Am I getting paid for this?”

This is when she becomes the show’s whore. Let’s face it, she was always the show’s whore.

Not a very good telepath. She definitely should have sensed that coming.

Leta always helps.

I Know, that’s always struck me.

As the psychics say, it doesn’t work that way. Oh wait.

OJ, beverage of the gods.