Babylon 5: 4x13 Rumors, Bargains, and Lies - 2/20 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, February 20th, 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
4 AM (WED) Germany
11 AM (WED) Seoul
1 PM (WED) Melbourne

“Yes, we’ve disagreed, even fought, but I would rather have someone who opposed me out of an honest belief in the rightness of his cause than someone who is always on my side because it was expected and required.”

wassup folks

Sheridan has lost it.

“How do we do that?”

“By not convincing them.”

They took that Vorlon out, right?

he jsut thought of a funny limmerick

Local Brodacasts?

Hmmm, what do you think sit-coms are like on Minbari?

poundy drums

wassup Operator?

I’ve carried my daughters on my shoulders when they were younger. I wonder if they remember.

Threes Company - what happens when members of worker, religious, and warriors casts share a apartment together and have Mr. Furley as a landlord?..HI-larity!!!

“I think of my beautiful city in flames.”

Awww, poor Minbari.

That’s great. I can see that.

beautiful city tho

Lennier does not trust Neroon.

Wow! That is some nice quarters Londo has there. I don’t remember that.

“Something called Country-Western music.”

I have to agree Londo.

What kind of music do you play here?

We play both kinds…Country and Western.

kinda hard to trust someone like Neroon

Zoot-zoot indeed!

So glad we get to meet Reebus and Zooty later.

I would not want to be on Delenn’s bad side.