Babylon 5: 4x13 Rumors, Bargains, and Lies - 2/20 @ 10PM ET

she is quite the bad sorrybarb

I was hoping Delenn would have said, “Step aside.” Instead she just gives them a cold stare.

Hey Lurkers! Sorry I’m late. Time check?

“You should have thot of that before you broke the Grey Council.”


She was just thinking about that, Neroon. Very perceptive.

after a fashion…

damn right

I got 14:40.

wassup badger!

we’re about 14 min in

“You have my support, for now.”

It is so hard to trust Neroon.

Even on fire, it’s a beautiful city. :slight_smile:

Sheridan is becoming a master of politics. I love how all that gets summed up in this one episode.

shoot a bunch of rocks and then leave



“I want you to target some asteroids and destroy them.”

Sheridan, always a gamer.

“Not denying it doesn’t make it true, any more than denying it makes it false.”

Hard to believe this the same guy who didn’t know how to play politics when he started. :slight_smile:

he was so happy and smiley back then

“Tiny, beady…”


“…and great, big…”


and great big…

Drazi, with their beady little eyes and flapping heads, so full of lies. :stuck_out_tongue:

“It seems they are hiding something from us.”

Shows that these council members are children. Sheridan treats them appropriately. He tried treating them like adults and they fought and bickered.

Marcus is awesome…

“i’ll see you later…probably”.

I don’t know if we’ve talked about this but do you notice that male head-bones are different than female head-bones.