Babylon 5 3x15 Interludes and Examinations 12/12 @ 10PM ET

Saturday, December 12th, 2009
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
3 AM (WED) UK/Ireland
4 AM (WED) Germany
11 AM (WED) Seoul
1 PM (WED) Melbourne

"August 3, 2260. Personal diary. Ten days ago, for the first time, the Shadows began attacking openly. So far they have been hitting targets close to the Rim: the minor powers, the few in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The attacks seem totally random, almost senseless. If we thought it was nuts around here before, this has only made things worse… "

Hey everybody!

hi all

Laps in security wow that is a big one.

And away we go!

This is a good one

I lost my video so I had to start over. ug

Leah, is it just the two of us tonight?

I twittered it. Maybe others will join. I am having technical problems.

How far behind are you? I can pause

I only seem to get the first few minutes then it goes blank.

Sorry this episode just does not want to work past the first few minutes. I wonder if the second show will work. I will try.

Splendid. I’m paused at 8 minutes. I’ll wait for you.

There is an AOL add on the side. Maybe this site will not work anymore. Dang I really like the show. I buy it if I had the money and could find it. Maybe I can find a different sight.

Sorry maybe next week I will be ready with a new site. : (

I just gave it a try and it worked for me… strange

It works for the first minutes then stops.

I fast forwarded to 8 minutes or so, no problem. Is the point at which the problem starts consistent?

Yes, when they talk about the spiders.


Tried skipping over it?